Views: 10951
Submissions: 21
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Writer | Registered: Apr 5, 2011 10:25
akastus I'll always look out for you, buddy. You are my rock. Ocean between us or not, you will always be in my heart. :)
DERS I don't know where I'd be without you. You truly saved my life and have enriched it. Thank you so much! ^^
You all have changed my life. I cannot thank you enough. ^_^
Featured Submission
Comments Earned: 475
Comments Made: 516
Journals: 10
Comments Made: 516
Journals: 10
Recent Journal
Oh my...
12 years ago
A few points to make as it has been forever and you deserve them...
1. I have pretty much abandoned the idea of publishing the trilogy. It costs money I don't have and really, thanks to the beauty of the internet, it's pretty unnecessary. Plus, with the continuing mayhem I contended with up until about a month ago, I really had no room in my life for dealing with it. That said, I am going to release a re-edited version that is a bit tidier and contains fewer grammatical errors than the one currently posted. That is done and will take moments to do; I am just about to head off to noms, though. I put my tummy first ;)
2. I am now living in a cubhouse! Somehow, it became a reality. I have an awesome roomie, my big bro who you can see listed at the top of my page. It's just the two of us for now, but I hope to bring on one or two more cubs who we are close to and have a pre-existing friendship with. In the meantime, I am so happy and content. Words cant describe how nice it is to be 'me' and have a cozy place to call home. ^^
3. I am pondering writing again. Nothing set in stone; I am not even going to bother giving a date on when I will start the process. However, I do miss having that one outlet to run to when the mood strikes me. Also, I have had a lot of ideas bouncing around my head, ones I think would look good written out. All I can say for sure is that it will involve the same characters that starred in the trilogy, will have a mystery-type theme and a fairly serious tone. In other words, sorry, but don't expect a 'Blue Glow'.
That's all for now. Thanks for reading! Your 'watches' are most appreciated! ^_^
1. I have pretty much abandoned the idea of publishing the trilogy. It costs money I don't have and really, thanks to the beauty of the internet, it's pretty unnecessary. Plus, with the continuing mayhem I contended with up until about a month ago, I really had no room in my life for dealing with it. That said, I am going to release a re-edited version that is a bit tidier and contains fewer grammatical errors than the one currently posted. That is done and will take moments to do; I am just about to head off to noms, though. I put my tummy first ;)
2. I am now living in a cubhouse! Somehow, it became a reality. I have an awesome roomie, my big bro who you can see listed at the top of my page. It's just the two of us for now, but I hope to bring on one or two more cubs who we are close to and have a pre-existing friendship with. In the meantime, I am so happy and content. Words cant describe how nice it is to be 'me' and have a cozy place to call home. ^^
3. I am pondering writing again. Nothing set in stone; I am not even going to bother giving a date on when I will start the process. However, I do miss having that one outlet to run to when the mood strikes me. Also, I have had a lot of ideas bouncing around my head, ones I think would look good written out. All I can say for sure is that it will involve the same characters that starred in the trilogy, will have a mystery-type theme and a fairly serious tone. In other words, sorry, but don't expect a 'Blue Glow'.
That's all for now. Thanks for reading! Your 'watches' are most appreciated! ^_^
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