Views: 17956
Submissions: 84
Favs: 404

Registered: Jul 31, 2009 06:18
Gender: ♂ (Male)
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Country: Russia, MosCOW. (in Summer Germany Munich)
Languages: Russian, German, English.
Current Avatar: is a creation of an artist - fancymisslady
Fetish Groups:
Yiffy_bull ]:8D
My friends:

Like their Works: Min macroceli Kadath Anhes can't stop adding, so just type their Names in the "Search-bar": | Blackfox85 | Strype | Kalahari | foxer421
Always check them:
Hello to the whole furry-fandom.
I`m an Art-Whore, so maby you will be the next one who will draw me ? ;) Come On, I know you want it :D ...pleeease <:3
And for being a 200% ART WHORE I oficially typing here that EVERYONE can USE my CHAR for ALL kind of everything ))) I accept my appereance in every Artwork of every Artist, who will want to use him ) (soon I will add a reference and something else about my 200% ArtWhore Status) }:8)
The fact my fursona is a hooved animal makes me a bit unique, and it's totally cool to feel that.
I do not only like some works but I also sometime add them to favs :3 Which can mean:
1 faved pic - it`s cool / original / casual (Or it woke up an Idea in my mind so I Faved it to not forget the Idea and Inspiration)
2 favs - I want you to write to me "thx for favs" ^^
3 favs - I want you to write to me "thx for favs and wach" ^_^
5 favs - I like it so much, maby I will even order something 3:3
!!! more than 5 favs !!! - I wanted to FAP on that pics ]:8D Or maby it`s already done |3
Einige eigene Bemerkungen:
Eine Bedeutung, und so viele Worte - der Stier, der Bulle, der Oxe, der Rind.
Ich hab es von Anfang an gewust, dass es richtig viel kuhles an einer KUH gibt. X3
It must be fate that I was born and still live in a city that has a COW in its name ))) Love MosCOW for that twice :>
--- other info comming soon ---
People I LOVE to check on their Favorites:
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Country: Russia, MosCOW. (in Summer Germany Munich)
Languages: Russian, German, English.
Current Avatar: is a creation of an artist - fancymisslady

Fetish Groups:


My friends:

Like their Works: Min macroceli Kadath Anhes can't stop adding, so just type their Names in the "Search-bar": | Blackfox85 | Strype | Kalahari | foxer421
Always check them:

Hello to the whole furry-fandom.
__________________!!! WARNING !!! ATENTION !!! ACHTUNG !!! __________________
I`m an Art-Whore, so maby you will be the next one who will draw me ? ;) Come On, I know you want it :D ...pleeease <:3
And for being a 200% ART WHORE I oficially typing here that EVERYONE can USE my CHAR for ALL kind of everything ))) I accept my appereance in every Artwork of every Artist, who will want to use him ) (soon I will add a reference and something else about my 200% ArtWhore Status) }:8)
The fact my fursona is a hooved animal makes me a bit unique, and it's totally cool to feel that.
I do not only like some works but I also sometime add them to favs :3 Which can mean:
1 faved pic - it`s cool / original / casual (Or it woke up an Idea in my mind so I Faved it to not forget the Idea and Inspiration)
2 favs - I want you to write to me "thx for favs" ^^
3 favs - I want you to write to me "thx for favs and wach" ^_^
5 favs - I like it so much, maby I will even order something 3:3
!!! more than 5 favs !!! - I wanted to FAP on that pics ]:8D Or maby it`s already done |3
Einige eigene Bemerkungen:
Eine Bedeutung, und so viele Worte - der Stier, der Bulle, der Oxe, der Rind.
Ich hab es von Anfang an gewust, dass es richtig viel kuhles an einer KUH gibt. X3
It must be fate that I was born and still live in a city that has a COW in its name ))) Love MosCOW for that twice :>
--- other info comming soon ---
People I LOVE to check on their Favorites:
Featured Submission
Comments Earned: 1774
Comments Made: 2442
Journals: 43
Comments Made: 2442
Journals: 43
Recent Journal
Hehe ICONS !
3 years agoUser Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Favorite Music
Blink 182, Sum 41, Avril Lavigne, Yellowcard, Linkin Park
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
A Beautiful Mind, Fearless, Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption
Favorite Games
Fallout 2, GTA, Alien Shooter, StarCraft, Red Alert
Favorite Animals
COWS, Horses (&Ponys), Sheps, Goats. (Hooved-animals-fan))
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Chocolate Ice Cream
Favorite Artists

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