Views: 2425
Submissions: 9
Favs: 23

Writer | Registered: Dec 9, 2009 01:26
For anyone who's starting to find me, i'm going to be posting my poetry down soon. If anyone wishes a commission's i do take them for poetry. If you want one simply message me with what your wanting and we can discuss a price.
Comments Earned: 125
Comments Made: 314
Journals: 3
Comments Made: 314
Journals: 3
Recent Journal
11 years ago"whats lost can be found, destroyed rebuilt, but what we give up on will be lost forever"
"In the absence of tranquility there is chaos, in the absence of chaos there is tranquility two wides neither of which can exist without the other." (this one im' not a hundred percent is sounds familiar, a twist on another perhaps?)
"A lost man can find more then he ever hopped to dream of, but a man following the path set before him can only find what was placed in-front of him"
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"I met a blind man, he told me that to see, all i had to do was listen."
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