Views: 317547
Submissions: 1388
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Landscaper | Registered: Jan 3, 2006 05:55
Hi, I'm oCe! I like to draw, and paint, and make things. :D
[ ocelot || she/they ||♑ || INFP || artist || chaotic neutral || forest creature ]
[ Status: CLOSED | Terms of Service ]
Please EMAIL any inquiries about current or future commission projects!
New openings are announced via FA Journal & @ocelucent (twitter)[/color]
[ Contact Email: electricgecko at gmail dot com ]
EMAIL is my preferred contact method, it's the fastest and most reliable way to get in touch with me!
Notes are fine for quick questions, but I'll direct any longer exchanges or business to email.
[ EVENTS for 2017 ]
• Biggest Little Fur Con, June 1-4: Dealer!
• Campfire Tails, Aug 3-7: Art Director!
Twitter • DeviantArt • Weasyl


[critique on commissions is welcome, but note I may hide comments after reading them to respect the client; thanks!]
Featured Submission
Comments Earned: 20439
Comments Made: 11639
Journals: 168
Comments Made: 11639
Journals: 168
Recent Journal
art + life updates (tl;dr: I'm alive & well!)
7 years ago-I had to put down my 16yo cat (adopted him from a shelter 10yrs ago) due to progressive kidney failure... not unexpected at his agem he was loved and lived a long life, but it still hit me really hard. :(
-I moved for the first time in 8 years... to a different state... to a house that's getting a ton of renovations done (both by us, and by contractors), so things have been, to put it lightly, a bit unsettled!
-Internet here was spotty at first, and it took awhile to resolve wireless issues... leaving me to try and do everything I needed on my phone (which is a pain)!
-I got some kind of sickness (probably viral) a few weeks ago that gave me horrible vertigo for up to a minite whenever I'd move my head position. I also got cold symptoms along with it, so did the eat-soup-and-sleep-for-a-week thing, and it stopped and I felt fine after roughly a week and a half, but WOW that wasn't fun. Reminded once again be thankful I'm [mostly] healthy, and to never to take that good health for granted!
-Did I mention the moving I did was during a 106 degree heat wave... while basically the entire Pacific Northwest was also on fire? c.c; Yeah, breathing that may have actually contributed to be getting sick, as I didn't take breathing precautions and it was not long after I was exposed to all of that. If that level of smoke happens here again, it's respirator time for sure.
-I also disappeared into the forest several times, interwoven with all the other goings-on; this was much needed, and very important for my mental well-being. Nature is the best therapy, bar-none. <3
Things are finally (finally!) settling down and getting back to normal for me... but I'm very sorry to everyone who was worried about me! :/ And I'm sorry that pretty much all my commissions got stalled in the process of moving, and everything else. I'm working on getting back to each of you who contacted me - I think I'm about halfway there, so look for updates by email from me soon if you haven't seen one yet! Also, expect a ton of new art in the coming days/weeks...!
Update about the Beach Bonfire YCH specifically: lines are basically done, and the ink WIP is going out by email shortly. Thanks everyone for your patience!! I am also hoping to get the last few additional slots, to fill for flat prices first-come-first-serve, hopefully ready to be claimed tomrrow, around 6pm PST. :3 If not, I'll still make an update then about when to expect the last slots to open... bit it's in the final stretch, at long last.
If you have any questions not addressed above, please email me! My address is, feel free to email me again if you did within the last couple months and never heard back; I will try and get back to everyone with updates ASAP. Thanks for reading, watch for more soon, and hope you're all enjoying the weekend. :)

wherever you are, I hope you're doing well and are in a better place with your health and everything. be safe, be blessed.
I did, told her about it, and got refunded the money for my spots in the Beach Party YCH within a week.