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Art Fan | Registered: Dec 11, 2005 06:02
All the pictures in my gallery are pictures i wanted to see on paper, and because i totally suck at Drawing , I get pictures from artists i like .
I share them on the net *on FA so* just because keeping them for myself is a bit selfish , but I understand people that get and don't share .
if you don't like Nicobay , the 'wtf are these pictures he buys' , and all ... just don't look at them , don't look this page , and stop whining . i don't have to know that you hate this char and besides , i really don't care ;3 if you like what i commission , good , if not , too bad.
Also , Nicobay is just a pokesona , a Bayleef , and Bayleef is pokemon , and Pokemon is NOT MY creation .
and for end , support pokemon and buy all game ! dont pirate , its bad , it make baby eevee cry :'(
Nicobay is a Hybrid Bayleef pokemon , his father is a Umbreon named Skrien and his mother a Meganium named Ciel.
His little sister is named Malyabay , she's a bayleef and loves her big bro *shes 18+* .
Nicobay can evolve to his meganium form wheneve he wants, and evolve-back to his bayleef form , like his little sister .
he too can switch gender, male to female, pretty good for enter into a private pokemon party : female only .
he loves cookie and he's a carnivore , strange for a grass creature.
if you have any question about Nicobay or others , feel free to PM me :3
oh , and English is NOT my first language, so sorry for all the errors.
All the pictures in my gallery are pictures i wanted to see on paper, and because i totally suck at Drawing , I get pictures from artists i like .
I share them on the net *on FA so* just because keeping them for myself is a bit selfish , but I understand people that get and don't share .
if you don't like Nicobay , the 'wtf are these pictures he buys' , and all ... just don't look at them , don't look this page , and stop whining . i don't have to know that you hate this char and besides , i really don't care ;3 if you like what i commission , good , if not , too bad.
Also , Nicobay is just a pokesona , a Bayleef , and Bayleef is pokemon , and Pokemon is NOT MY creation .
and for end , support pokemon and buy all game ! dont pirate , its bad , it make baby eevee cry :'(
Nicobay is a Hybrid Bayleef pokemon , his father is a Umbreon named Skrien and his mother a Meganium named Ciel.
His little sister is named Malyabay , she's a bayleef and loves her big bro *shes 18+* .
Nicobay can evolve to his meganium form wheneve he wants, and evolve-back to his bayleef form , like his little sister .
he too can switch gender, male to female, pretty good for enter into a private pokemon party : female only .
he loves cookie and he's a carnivore , strange for a grass creature.
if you have any question about Nicobay or others , feel free to PM me :3
oh , and English is NOT my first language, so sorry for all the errors.
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Comments Earned: 36684
Comments Made: 27881
Journals: 799
Comments Made: 27881
Journals: 799
Recent Journal
feeling a bit better
2 months ago
i started increase my traitment again .
if its the only way for mostly not killing myself , then that how it is .
thk everyone for the message support , it mean a LOT to me .
take care
if its the only way for mostly not killing myself , then that how it is .
thk everyone for the message support , it mean a LOT to me .
take care
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
Yes Character Species
grass/shadow Bayleef
Favorite Music
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
gladiator / dawn of dead
Favorite Games
FF7 / silent hill
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Favorite Animals
Dolphin <3
Favorite Foods & Drinks
cookies !
Favorite Quote
its prinny dood !
Favorite Artists
too many
Contact Information

Nico sitting while Charmander getting penetrated. Do you have that pic?
I'm trying to do something to it.