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2025 Time To Evolve
a month ago"But why are you deleting all those past works?"
The long answer is, my artistic journey. I've been making art in general for thirty-two years now. For a majority of that time it's been random, unfocused, you might even say, "clumsy." Because I didn't have a better grip on my own emotions. I made declarations, announced ambitious projects and then quietly abandoned them when the work got too hard or my got distracted by the latest new thing. Another aspect is my overall quality. To put it bluntly, I need to be more patient with my art. Over the years I would scramble and force myself to create new art and post it to capitalize on whatever current thing was occuring on the internet, a holiday, or special event. When I did this I was rarely happy with the end result. When I rushed I missed crucial studies in composition, color, and form leading to more dissatisfaction. I don't want to do that anymore. Finally, there's the subject matter. I love large breasts and I'll never not love them but I like other things too. I haven't practiced a lot of things because i've been so hyper fixated. So a majority of the gallery's getting deleted apart from a few characters and stories I'm currently focusing on. The current major project is "Heart of Gold." so a majority of art will focus on the characters therein. Outside the book, I have some OC's that I like drawing frequently, Drea, Lucy, GiGi, and a few others. Once "Heart of Gold is completed and released, I'll start on the next project and the gallery will shift to that and so-on and so-on. With some luck, this practice in discipline will help get more done and I will slowly bring back past characters and storylines once they get the care they deserve. As for the "other things" i want to draw? Well I don't know I have so many artbooks i need to read and practice from. who knows what will inspire me. All I know is I want to improve, evolve and become a proper professional.
"So what will you do now?"
Well I have something I'm sure you guys will enjoy but I can't say much more at the moment. Each day I make a little more progress on Heart of Gold and it feels good to have more focus. but anyway, that's all for now. Take care.
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