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Photographer | Registered: Apr 27, 2007 05:54
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Let me put it this way...
8 years ago
Gene Wilder's Willy Wonka was a frightening man. When he first appears, he is staggering painfully about on a cane; then he falls, turns it into a somersault and finishes with a melodramatic "Ta-dah!"
It couldn't be clearer. "You think you know who I am? You think you know what I want? Wrong. I'm lying to you." He is less a candy maker than the Satan of a chocolate-themed purgatory. Horrible things will happen to you there - unless you are both noble and incorruptible.
Johnny Depp's was a weirdo.
It couldn't be clearer. "You think you know who I am? You think you know what I want? Wrong. I'm lying to you." He is less a candy maker than the Satan of a chocolate-themed purgatory. Horrible things will happen to you there - unless you are both noble and incorruptible.
Johnny Depp's was a weirdo.
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how this went from a smut fic to developing an entire world, love it still. (oddly biased to cheshire....)