Views: 10235
Submissions: 18
Favs: 114

Writer | Registered: Feb 12, 2006 07:06
No longer active account - find me on
Comments Earned: 2521
Comments Made: 4567
Journals: 1
Comments Made: 4567
Journals: 1
Recent Journal
So long and thanks for all the fish!
13 years agoFor all the lovely people I have met and the fun I have had (Like meeting a wonderful woman and getting married!), the Furry Fandom just isn't what it was when I joined, and I'm just not having fun any more.
Now this isn't a total ragequit. I'm not crying "BAWWW I HAET FURREHZ!" and running screaming out the door. There are still loads of furs out there who are lovely people and I will be staying in touch with them regardless, and I do have a slot in the big chakat collab when that is completed, as well as a pony badge coming!
However, actively partaking in the community has grown stale. There's all sorts of rotten people making it no fun any more. I've been attacked for not being straight, not being available for real life yiff, being christian, being married, having a herm fursona, and my wife has been attacked for being a woman. Add to that the growing number of gynophobic furries - that is, those who hate women, and the massive backlash against bronies, despite this fandom saying it wants to be included and treated with respect, all the fun has gone out of being a furry for me. And when something isn't fun any more, what do you do? Stop doing it!
To that end, with the exception of discussing the last two commissions I am getting, mentioned above, this account is now effectively dead.
I shall leave my stories up for those who enjoyed them, but don't expect any more posts here. I am moving over to join many fellow bronies on Deviant Art. You can find me there at
Those people who are most important to me are on my messengers already, or have my mobile number, and I will be keeping in touch. But Moonshadow as a furry is gone now.
It's been fun, but this is goodbye.
Long live Coaldust, the Earth Pony!
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Earth pony
Favorite Music
Almost anything, but preferably symphonic metal, orchestral and prog rock
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Brother Bear
Favorite Games
Team Fortress 2
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Favorite Animals
Too many to name, but my top fave are huskies, otters, wolves, badgers and chakats!
Favorite Foods & Drinks
T-Bone steak, rare, with chips and onion rings
Favorite Quote
Tail high!
Favorite Artists
In what sense? Music, I have none. Artwork, depends what kind.
Contact Information
