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Living beer cooler and A/C | Registered: Jun 3, 2016 05:39
23 year old who's practically obsessed with the Wendigo, Video Games, and the Blender graphics engine (although I'll have to get back into it).
I would change my account name to "Sindri Wulver" whenever it is possible.
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Original Character: Sindri "Hart" Wulver (originally a Dungeons & Dragons character)
Species: Wendigo (Scottish Red Deer/Hart variant)
Age: 438 (Ageless since 27 due to his curse)
Sex: Male (Can be any due to a form of shapeshifting, though he is male by default)
Height: 11ft (13-14ft including his antlers)
Origin (because lore is fun to think of): A highlander turned Wendigo after a quest through a cave had gone horribly due to a cave-in caused by the man who gave them the quest in an attempt to get rid of the three, leaving him and the others of the group trapped, searching for an exit as starvation began to set in taking all but two, Sindri and the Mage named Baric who in desperation had to resort to cannibalism to survive, however this event provoked the spirit of the Wendigo to posses Sindri, after finding an exit and rushing outside to a cliffs edge, Baric had noticed a subtle dazed look of terror on Sindri's face, seeing this the Mage had searched a satchel that contained small enchanted accessories and baubles finding a ring that had been given the trait of protecting the wearer's sanity. After slipping the ring onto one of Sindri's fingers they had snapped out of the daze and the two surviving allies had began travelling back to the town they had left, as nighttime approached they had set up camp for the night, and while the night had progressed Sindri had a growing sense of pained fear until a sudden pain filled shout had pierced the dead of night waking Baric (who had fallen asleep an hour prior), as the his eyes scanned the surrounding area his view landed upon Sindri who continued to wail in pain as his body began to shift, and his bones were creating the sickening sounds of twisting and snapping with the painful transformation ending after antlers had grown from his head, and his face was of a stag's skull. Making their way back to the town (after Baric had helped Sindri stay calm after the sudden "event" of Sindri's physical form taking this new, frightening shape) they had arrived at the town to relay the tragedy of the journeys events to the townsfolk, however upon seeing Sindri the townsfolk had started to show looks of fear and confusion, then a volley of shouting had began as most of the townsfolk started charging at Sindri perceiving him as a monster from the nearby forests from the frightened riling of the man who caused the cave-in, seeing the rapidly approaching angry mob the two had began running away from the town to avoid the risk of either them or the townsfolk from being hurt, or killed. Once at a distance Sindri and Baric looked back to see the mob had stopped at the town's entrance, sensing the in-hospitality they traveled further into the forest eventually stumbling upon an old hunting shack that appeared vacant, as Sindri and Baric approached the building the two noticed a note pinned to the door that read "To all who seek shelter welcome, this shack appears only to those who have been outcast, lost, abandoned or forgotten. Stay for as long as needed until you desire to leave, or find adventurers willing to have you join their group, or lead you to an accepting town, or village", seeing this Sindri and Baric had settled in waiting for a new journey, leaving the now wendigo highlander and human mage to think about the dark set of events that had unfolded in only a weeks time and leading to Sindri's life and perception of human nature being changed permanently making it incredibly hard to earn his trust but easy to weaken and lose it.
CreepyCommentsWelcome Though things of sexual violence and such things like it are off limits for me, so please do not make any non consentive type comments on the contents in my gallery
I would change my account name to "Sindri Wulver" whenever it is possible.
Profile icon is by

Original Character: Sindri "Hart" Wulver (originally a Dungeons & Dragons character)
Species: Wendigo (Scottish Red Deer/Hart variant)
Age: 438 (Ageless since 27 due to his curse)
Sex: Male (Can be any due to a form of shapeshifting, though he is male by default)
Height: 11ft (13-14ft including his antlers)
Origin (because lore is fun to think of): A highlander turned Wendigo after a quest through a cave had gone horribly due to a cave-in caused by the man who gave them the quest in an attempt to get rid of the three, leaving him and the others of the group trapped, searching for an exit as starvation began to set in taking all but two, Sindri and the Mage named Baric who in desperation had to resort to cannibalism to survive, however this event provoked the spirit of the Wendigo to posses Sindri, after finding an exit and rushing outside to a cliffs edge, Baric had noticed a subtle dazed look of terror on Sindri's face, seeing this the Mage had searched a satchel that contained small enchanted accessories and baubles finding a ring that had been given the trait of protecting the wearer's sanity. After slipping the ring onto one of Sindri's fingers they had snapped out of the daze and the two surviving allies had began travelling back to the town they had left, as nighttime approached they had set up camp for the night, and while the night had progressed Sindri had a growing sense of pained fear until a sudden pain filled shout had pierced the dead of night waking Baric (who had fallen asleep an hour prior), as the his eyes scanned the surrounding area his view landed upon Sindri who continued to wail in pain as his body began to shift, and his bones were creating the sickening sounds of twisting and snapping with the painful transformation ending after antlers had grown from his head, and his face was of a stag's skull. Making their way back to the town (after Baric had helped Sindri stay calm after the sudden "event" of Sindri's physical form taking this new, frightening shape) they had arrived at the town to relay the tragedy of the journeys events to the townsfolk, however upon seeing Sindri the townsfolk had started to show looks of fear and confusion, then a volley of shouting had began as most of the townsfolk started charging at Sindri perceiving him as a monster from the nearby forests from the frightened riling of the man who caused the cave-in, seeing the rapidly approaching angry mob the two had began running away from the town to avoid the risk of either them or the townsfolk from being hurt, or killed. Once at a distance Sindri and Baric looked back to see the mob had stopped at the town's entrance, sensing the in-hospitality they traveled further into the forest eventually stumbling upon an old hunting shack that appeared vacant, as Sindri and Baric approached the building the two noticed a note pinned to the door that read "To all who seek shelter welcome, this shack appears only to those who have been outcast, lost, abandoned or forgotten. Stay for as long as needed until you desire to leave, or find adventurers willing to have you join their group, or lead you to an accepting town, or village", seeing this Sindri and Baric had settled in waiting for a new journey, leaving the now wendigo highlander and human mage to think about the dark set of events that had unfolded in only a weeks time and leading to Sindri's life and perception of human nature being changed permanently making it incredibly hard to earn his trust but easy to weaken and lose it.

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3 months agoUser Profile
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No Character Species
Wendigo (Scottish Red Deer/Hart variant)
Favorite Music
Likely anything except for most rap and basically all country with maybe 2 exceptions
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Any Monty Python film, and either live action Addam's Family film
Favorite Games
Chivalry 2, For Honor, Fallout 76, TF2, L4D2, and Trove
Favorite Gaming Platforms
PS4, and PC
Favorite Animals
Wendigo, Kelpie, Cats, Kangaroos, Alligators, Deer, Cattle, Axolotl, and Dragons
Favorite Site
YouTube, and here
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Alcohol and the bottles it comes in
Favorite Quote
Trust is not easy to earn, but can very easily be lost
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