Views: 3361
Submissions: 108
Favs: 149

Musician | Registered: Oct 29, 2009 09:10
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Comments Earned: 2311
Comments Made: 3026
Journals: 70
Comments Made: 3026
Journals: 70
Recent Journal
Pkingsora is the greatest!
13 years ago
Dude, you already rock my sox off but nao...forever in your debt!
He totally knocked out my fiscal issue in one blow. Life saver! I was worried I&d have to sell a guitar. No bueno.
User Profile
Accepting Trades
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No Character Species
Mouse/Fox Hybrid
Favorite Music
80's Rock and pirate Shanties
Favorite Games
Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Wanda and the Colossus
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Playstation 2
Favorite Animals
Mouse, Fox, Neko-Neko
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Sushi! Om-nom-nom!!
Contact Information

Stupid autocorrect!
Sora showed me an old pic where Xanatos tortures poor Money :(
I saw the pic the day he uploaded it, but had forgotten about it.
Time flies! The characters are neat! Hope you are doing ok!
How are you doing?
Saw you commenting on Soras pics. Maybe i am a bit random ~.~
He also mentioned your characters and stuff!
That Jean xanatos