Views: 20708
Submissions: 95
Favs: 5922

Registered: Mar 15, 2019 08:52
Hello, I'm a digital artist that is an enthusiast of bara and macro. I like both those things and plan on practicing art in both things.
Featured Submission
Comments Earned: 208
Comments Made: 81
Journals: 1
Comments Made: 81
Journals: 1
Recent Journal
I have a new account!!!!
4 years ago
Hi everyone! Sorry for being gone for so long! I changed my twitter handle to Pen Beetle and needed to set up a new FA account. Which I couldn't find the time for while I was busy with my school semester.
I'm currently dropping my old art into my new account
Go watch me over there and you'll get to see all my new stuff after I finish reuploading most of my art from this account.
Again super sorry for disappearing!
I'm currently dropping my old art into my new account

Go watch me over there and you'll get to see all my new stuff after I finish reuploading most of my art from this account.
Again super sorry for disappearing!
