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A big wobbly glunky round! | Registered: Sep 10, 2009 02:31
Enjoy your visit through my art and don't feel afraid to post a comment or say hi! Hiiiiiiiiii! \ouo/
As for various thingies...
1. I'm a fatty huggler / super-eater / lover / snuggler / feeder (if you haven't noticed the fatness yet. You probably can't even read this font size, so Iunno how yer readin' -this- either XD )
2. I'm a major cuteness lover. I really do love cuteness!
3. I'm sorta this weird, asexual-ish, alien, but I'm full of loooooooove and affection and snuggles though. I just don't like privates ;3
4: Ryesnirs don't really have a 'sex' , but my gender is whatever it wants to be, heehee!
5. I don't draw sex things neither. Eheheh
6. favorite color
7. I live in the North East US! EST Timezone! ... It gets cold in winter... o3o
8. I try to be friendly, when I'm not hidin' in the corner where nobody can find me, so feel free to give me a holler! I'll be nice, when I DO finally come out from my corner of silence, hehe ( ^o^)
9. I like to play; If I jump on yer back or cling to yer leg for a ride! X3
10. This is spot number ten!
11. I can only think of 10 things to put here right now.
As for various thingies...
1. I'm a fatty huggler / super-eater / lover / snuggler / feeder (if you haven't noticed the fatness yet. You probably can't even read this font size, so Iunno how yer readin' -this- either XD )
2. I'm a major cuteness lover. I really do love cuteness!
3. I'm sorta this weird, asexual-ish, alien, but I'm full of loooooooove and affection and snuggles though. I just don't like privates ;3
4: Ryesnirs don't really have a 'sex' , but my gender is whatever it wants to be, heehee!
5. I don't draw sex things neither. Eheheh
6. favorite color
7. I live in the North East US! EST Timezone! ... It gets cold in winter... o3o
8. I try to be friendly, when I'm not hidin' in the corner where nobody can find me, so feel free to give me a holler! I'll be nice, when I DO finally come out from my corner of silence, hehe ( ^o^)
9. I like to play; If I jump on yer back or cling to yer leg for a ride! X3
10. This is spot number ten!
11. I can only think of 10 things to put here right now.
Comments Earned: 6549
Comments Made: 7154
Journals: 35
Comments Made: 7154
Journals: 35
Recent Journal
Fat-sploding? + I'll be doing more art soon
5 years ago
Fat-splodin'. Like, bein' fattened and fattened and fattened until ya burst with blubber in a (BETTER BE) cartoon way. It's a thing that has come up weirdly often lately and I've been asked about, so I just wanted to chime in too!
I think bein' fattened until explodin' is interestin'. Only in a PG way of course. Cartoony n' just endin' up small sized again. Prolly with no mess (yuck). Maybe just the cake that's been stuffed into me goes everywhere, at most, while I land on the floor, chubby and prolly a bit dazed @u@
Ya'll know I love to feel kinda helpless, so this goes along with that pretty well I think. Just a light panicy feelin' that makes my heart race n' makes me wanna try n' struggle a bit.
What do ya all think about this stuff? I feel like most critters want nothin to do with it, which totally makes sense. :3 Which is cool n' fine. I'M the little weirdo in all this, gheehee! X3
And I am (once again) about to be back home after a trip. But this time I won't have another trip to go on and de-motivate me from drawin'. It has been quite a busy few months =w=;; I think I'll be drawin' and maybe animatin' a couple things when I'm finally home in a few days! No, not commissions though, unfortunately ^-^;
I think bein' fattened until explodin' is interestin'. Only in a PG way of course. Cartoony n' just endin' up small sized again. Prolly with no mess (yuck). Maybe just the cake that's been stuffed into me goes everywhere, at most, while I land on the floor, chubby and prolly a bit dazed @u@
Ya'll know I love to feel kinda helpless, so this goes along with that pretty well I think. Just a light panicy feelin' that makes my heart race n' makes me wanna try n' struggle a bit.
What do ya all think about this stuff? I feel like most critters want nothin to do with it, which totally makes sense. :3 Which is cool n' fine. I'M the little weirdo in all this, gheehee! X3
And I am (once again) about to be back home after a trip. But this time I won't have another trip to go on and de-motivate me from drawin'. It has been quite a busy few months =w=;; I think I'll be drawin' and maybe animatin' a couple things when I'm finally home in a few days! No, not commissions though, unfortunately ^-^;
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Ryesnir (super random alien?)
Favorite Music
Lots... Fairly varied. Lots of game music.
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Funny movies! n.n
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Currently PC, Switch, n' 3DS.
Favorite Animals
Rabbits, doggies, guinea pigs and everything cute! :3
Favorite Foods & Drinks
I love my sweets... Candy! Cakes! Ice creams!
Favorite Quote
I say thing! 8D
Favorite Artists
You! ;3
Contact Information

sent a Shiny to Lyke"Cake for you! \'w'/"