Views: 174717
Submissions: 2276
Favs: 71952

Anthro Artist | Registered: Apr 8, 2006 07:59
Well let's see... hmmm...guess m'just yer 'average furry joe'...been in the 'furry community' fer over 30 years now... I got a site up at: where ya can see jus' about everythin' I've done.
I usually auction off my art at:
Also, I just wanna give a BIG thank you to everyone here who watches me an gives favs... (figure this way's easier than tellin' each person by shouts) an I do appreciate that'cha like somethin' I may've drawn :)
...Since life is so uncertain an we never know when our time durin' our lives may be done... I jus' wanted ta firstly... THANK ALL'a YA! Thank ya fer lettin' me be a part'a yer lives... Thank ya fer sharin' a part'a yer lives with me! Thank ya SO much fer both sharin' yer inspirations an further inspirin' me ta share mine with all'a ya! Wether m'still 'around' or not... I have been an cotinue ta be eternally greatful ta all'a you fer all the many wonderful things you've been gracious enough ta share with me... an hope that you'll always continue ta do so with each other!
I've seen that accounts have been left openly available ta viewers here on Fur Affinity after their creators have since passed on ta whatever experience awaits us all next on that Good Red Road and as such I can only hope that anyone an evfurryone who takes that moment... jus' ta browse through my galleries and see what I've created... that it gives them that greatest gift we all as artists, have ta share an impart... That we ALL have been given the honor of passin' along the realization that anythin' we can dream of is possible of bein' made inta reality! That THAT is one of the gifts that whatever 'Higher Power' brought us all inta being has imparted upon us! That we are all capable of impartin' this gift on each other by sharin' what we can create.
So if anythin' I've done ever brings anyone a smile, a laugh... a hope that we can make things brighter in a time of darkness we may experience in our lives... that we can look ta one another... fer whatever love an support we may need ta help each other grow stronger. I thank each an every one'a ya m'furry family an I'll ALWAYS be watchin' over ya an an thankin' ya every time anythin' I've ever done brings ya joy an inspires ya on ta further greatness!
Guess some'a ya are inta this so gonna be puttin' up icons fer m'furry family an friends as well as listin' some'a the FA groups m'also intrested in here:
Critters who have my eternal gratitude:
Furry Family:
Big bros
current keeper of m'werewolf heart
FA Groups of Intrest:
I usually auction off my art at:
Also, I just wanna give a BIG thank you to everyone here who watches me an gives favs... (figure this way's easier than tellin' each person by shouts) an I do appreciate that'cha like somethin' I may've drawn :)
...Since life is so uncertain an we never know when our time durin' our lives may be done... I jus' wanted ta firstly... THANK ALL'a YA! Thank ya fer lettin' me be a part'a yer lives... Thank ya fer sharin' a part'a yer lives with me! Thank ya SO much fer both sharin' yer inspirations an further inspirin' me ta share mine with all'a ya! Wether m'still 'around' or not... I have been an cotinue ta be eternally greatful ta all'a you fer all the many wonderful things you've been gracious enough ta share with me... an hope that you'll always continue ta do so with each other!
I've seen that accounts have been left openly available ta viewers here on Fur Affinity after their creators have since passed on ta whatever experience awaits us all next on that Good Red Road and as such I can only hope that anyone an evfurryone who takes that moment... jus' ta browse through my galleries and see what I've created... that it gives them that greatest gift we all as artists, have ta share an impart... That we ALL have been given the honor of passin' along the realization that anythin' we can dream of is possible of bein' made inta reality! That THAT is one of the gifts that whatever 'Higher Power' brought us all inta being has imparted upon us! That we are all capable of impartin' this gift on each other by sharin' what we can create.
So if anythin' I've done ever brings anyone a smile, a laugh... a hope that we can make things brighter in a time of darkness we may experience in our lives... that we can look ta one another... fer whatever love an support we may need ta help each other grow stronger. I thank each an every one'a ya m'furry family an I'll ALWAYS be watchin' over ya an an thankin' ya every time anythin' I've ever done brings ya joy an inspires ya on ta further greatness!
Guess some'a ya are inta this so gonna be puttin' up icons fer m'furry family an friends as well as listin' some'a the FA groups m'also intrested in here:
Critters who have my eternal gratitude:

Furry Family:
Big bros


current keeper of m'werewolf heart

FA Groups of Intrest:

Comments Earned: 40899
Comments Made: 45235
Journals: 614
Comments Made: 45235
Journals: 614
Recent Journal
Party Snack Combo: BBQ Porkskins &Crunchy Cheetos
3 months ago...yeah it is a combo that's become a fave fer this ol' wurrwuff {;)
User Profile
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giant werewolf shapeshifter
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bit'a everything
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Cursed, Van Helsing
Favorite Games
Furvilla Hearthstone Burgertime Crazyclimber
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My desk?
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Favorite Site
Fur Affinity
Favorite Foods & Drinks
STEAK! bacon double cheeseburgers!, ribs & meatlover's pizza!
Favorite Quote
"Perhaps having memories of all the people you've loved and lost... is even worse than having no memories at all!..." - Van Helsing
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2 many 2 name
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But we miss you on FACCC2 :3