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CEO of GroCake Ink. | Registered: Jun 18, 2021 01:17
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Comments Made: 1609
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Featured Journal
Week 2 Update
6 days ago
So due to family obligations the art for the Drive won't be posted (and it will run from Sun to Sun) but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna tell you how they did!
Week 1 Heights!
Sol:57,080ft (10.81 miles)
Fiona: 55,460ft (10.5 miles)
Ore: 53,610ft (10.15 miles)
So the Race is going well but after thinking about it... we can go BIGGER! So (Including these Posts)
Likes: 200 ft!
Comments/Reposts: 400ft
Poll: 20ft per vote
Kofi: $x 200ft plus a separate poll where you can divide the donation!)
While these will be officially implemented tomorrow any likes or comments on this post will count as well!
Week 1 Heights!
Sol:57,080ft (10.81 miles)
Fiona: 55,460ft (10.5 miles)
Ore: 53,610ft (10.15 miles)
So the Race is going well but after thinking about it... we can go BIGGER! So (Including these Posts)
Likes: 200 ft!
Comments/Reposts: 400ft
Poll: 20ft per vote
Kofi: $x 200ft plus a separate poll where you can divide the donation!)
While these will be officially implemented tomorrow any likes or comments on this post will count as well!
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