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Writer | Registered: Dec 28, 2005 07:18
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Star Citizen try-out for free until the 18th anybody? :)
2 years ago
Yup, totally free, all that - if you're interested in this game and wanted to give it a shot but not wanting to spend money on it, you can hop over to my post on twitter to see how to do that thing. Most importantly, though: Yes, it is free. No, it's not a subscription based system, or a "free to play" thing, it's an old-fashioned "buy it once, and you have a game" type thing and they just happen to do these totally free demo-but-it's-the-whole-game things every so often. This is one of those times :) <-- that there tweet hing with all the details and whatnot :) (there's a second tweet too, with something i missed when i made the first tweet) <-- that there tweet hing with all the details and whatnot :) (there's a second tweet too, with something i missed when i made the first tweet)
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Most types of techno, laid-back rock also
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Unreal Tournament 2004
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Lizard of almost any kind... and bats... :)
Favorite Quote
'A Vast Swimmer Keeps No Pets' - Seamus Z. Harper, Andromeda 1:14
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It's a suprise! She will be so Happy!Thank you!