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Writer | Registered: Jul 2, 2006 02:19
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The why and the haw
8 years ago
Being a donkey has been two weeks in, people seem to have taken to it well, some wishing to join in on the fun. With how much people seem to appreciate a nice ass its surprising there aren’t more around. On second thought it’s way less surprising; considering my own reasons that while I do like the way they look I also enjoy the humiliation and slob aspects that follow suit in my mind. Beautiful, elegant, are words you might consider for a horse, zebra, deer, gazelle, fleet of hooves creatures but not so much for a donkey. Plodding, stubborn, perhaps stupid, though I’m fairly certain that isn’t true are descriptions people might choose the hee-haw side. Long floppy ears and rope like tails, they aren’t the epitome of grace but they are brave, known for protecting other creatures on farms, parts of their herd. Not the brightest, but loyal to those they love, I could definitely live with that.
Similarly, lets think about farm life, a hard life for sure, up at dawn working til night, sweat, blood and tears, there are shades of romance and there are layers of dirt. You can explore it for realism or you can explore it for all the difference it has from urban life. In reality, I’ve grown up country, living on a farm and near small towns my whole life, even now I live in a village, it's what I know well. Getting my hands dirty has never been something I feared, getting lathered in sweat something to relish. That all works into why a dirty, sweaty beast of burden just feels RIGHT. Riskier we know the donkeys and horses the same simply relieve themselves where they are, what freedom that could be too, instead of all the rules of society. Taking it a step further, leaning heavily onto the dumb and dirty aspect what about a beast that not only doesn’t care much for being clean but scoffs as it, Au natural for lack of a better term. Now we are talking, definitely some sort of counter-cultural.
Yet, lets not pretend it something clever or sneaky, no the glory is that its just relishing in “base” a sort “being happy with what you have” sort of deal made all the more poignant because you can say that you chose donkey. It can be fun to cursed into something different, though I think it's the best when you admit that you truly desire that different, perhaps deviant thing! From there you find two roads to “acceptance” the “I have no choice” or “this is what I always should have been” again it could be an outside influence, but discovering that your goals so far reaching and so “high” were for naught could be liberating too, you could be happy with the “simple” life.
Pretty big ideas for simply being a donkey or a peeg, cow, sheep, but that is a lot of allure “farm animals” as a group have for a lover of hypnosis and transformation, many options for both degradation and revelation. Perhaps not what Alfred meant when he told Bruce, “Why do we fall down, to pick ourselves back up.”
Haw Out
Not sure anyone would actually read this but a short "essay" on my thoughts about a month of donkeyness.
Similarly, lets think about farm life, a hard life for sure, up at dawn working til night, sweat, blood and tears, there are shades of romance and there are layers of dirt. You can explore it for realism or you can explore it for all the difference it has from urban life. In reality, I’ve grown up country, living on a farm and near small towns my whole life, even now I live in a village, it's what I know well. Getting my hands dirty has never been something I feared, getting lathered in sweat something to relish. That all works into why a dirty, sweaty beast of burden just feels RIGHT. Riskier we know the donkeys and horses the same simply relieve themselves where they are, what freedom that could be too, instead of all the rules of society. Taking it a step further, leaning heavily onto the dumb and dirty aspect what about a beast that not only doesn’t care much for being clean but scoffs as it, Au natural for lack of a better term. Now we are talking, definitely some sort of counter-cultural.
Yet, lets not pretend it something clever or sneaky, no the glory is that its just relishing in “base” a sort “being happy with what you have” sort of deal made all the more poignant because you can say that you chose donkey. It can be fun to cursed into something different, though I think it's the best when you admit that you truly desire that different, perhaps deviant thing! From there you find two roads to “acceptance” the “I have no choice” or “this is what I always should have been” again it could be an outside influence, but discovering that your goals so far reaching and so “high” were for naught could be liberating too, you could be happy with the “simple” life.
Pretty big ideas for simply being a donkey or a peeg, cow, sheep, but that is a lot of allure “farm animals” as a group have for a lover of hypnosis and transformation, many options for both degradation and revelation. Perhaps not what Alfred meant when he told Bruce, “Why do we fall down, to pick ourselves back up.”
Haw Out
Not sure anyone would actually read this but a short "essay" on my thoughts about a month of donkeyness.
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