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Writer | Registered: Dec 17, 2005 03:54
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Comments Made: 546
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Recent Journal
Update: 11/01/21
3 years ago
Hello there.
This is
chameleonice posting for Kyle. I will do my best to keep this short.
Kyle went in to the hospital about a week ago for a recurring bout of pneumonia, among other things. On Sunday, things rapidly declined. He is now on oxygen and is largely unresponsive. There are various factors at work here, but the short answer is that things aren't good. He is surrounded by friends and family and knows that he is very loved.
I most likely won't have access to this account after this, so I will do my best to post on my page and in his shouts here if his condition changes.
Thank you all.
This is

Kyle went in to the hospital about a week ago for a recurring bout of pneumonia, among other things. On Sunday, things rapidly declined. He is now on oxygen and is largely unresponsive. There are various factors at work here, but the short answer is that things aren't good. He is surrounded by friends and family and knows that he is very loved.
I most likely won't have access to this account after this, so I will do my best to post on my page and in his shouts here if his condition changes.
Thank you all.
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