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Demi Mutating Dragonthing | Registered: Sep 4, 2008 03:08
Commissions are Open!
Commission Prices as of March 2021[/h3]
In a closed, amazing relationship with:
Don't be afraid to contact me!

╔══╗╔═╗ Put this on
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║╚╝║╚╝║ transformations!
Commission Prices as of March 2021[/h3]
In a closed, amazing relationship with:

Don't be afraid to contact me!

╔══╗╔═╗ Put this on
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║║║║║╔╝ if you love
║╚╝║╚╝║ transformations!
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sent Shinies to Kulbara"Here's to a much better 2021 for you, and maybe some extra churros on top. Happy holidays, you awesome dragon. ^^"
sent Shinies to Kulbara"Hey man, you deserve this. While it's not much, it's all I can spare"
Comments Earned: 2972
Comments Made: 2050
Journals: 32
Comments Made: 2050
Journals: 32
Featured Journal
Regarding my absence - Important, please read
2 years agoFor the last 9 months or so, I've been almost completely blind, unable to read or do basic tasks for most of that time. This is due to a procedure I underwent, a vitrectomy. Due to complications with my diabetes, I had suffered a retinal tear in my left eye, and a detached retina in my right. While my left eye is very unlikely to ever get fully better, there was a chance to save my right eye with this procedure.
I won't mention details of the procedure here, but you can look them up if you want to. The procedure is pretty gnarly, having to drain the fluid from the eye and lasering the retina and such. I've always had a phobia of eye trauma, so this was really really difficult for me, but i'm honestly proud of myself for getting through it. Also, Altered helped me out IMMENSELY through everything, he has been my rock, I would not have been able to get through this without him. Also a few of my friends have been extremely supportive, the ones I've told about the procedure thus far at least. Thank you to you all as well, I mean it.
The operation was nine months ago, and the recovery has been extremely slow, far longer than initially estimated, including a couple of small backslides. During this time, I was unable to see anything except blurry colors for the vast vast majority of that time. I only recently regained my ability to see at all in the last month or so. It's been a huge relief to be able to look at art and read text and see videos again, let me tell you.
So this is the hard part. I didn't tell most of you that this was happening back then. A large amount of the reason for this was that I was simply overwhelmed at the time. It was a huge heavy blow to be faced with possible permanent blindness, especially as an artist and somebody who spends most of his time online, not to mention the commissions that I owe still. I was weak, afraid, I didn't know if I'd regain my vision back then or not, and I didn't know how to put that to people, especially my commissioners.
I realize that I should have told people, that people would have understood given the severity, but I didn't and I am ashamed of that. It's still difficult to work up to talking to people about all this, but I am trying.
While I am still almost completely blind in my left eye, my right eye is maybe about 80%-90% to the level it was before. I wanna start the long process of making things as right as I can and getting back to drawing and posting things I love. Being without sight for so long has really made me appreciate what I had and not take it for granted.
I'm going to be working with my manager Arcaxon to get back into creating art again and communicating with you all. I fully intend to finish every commission that I still owe people, even as late as they all are. To all my mutuals, I really care about you, and I'm really sorry for the absence. I still really hope we can all talk, though it will take some doing to get back into the swing of things, I really crave having fun again and getting back to normal if possible.
If any of you are my commissioners and have questions or just want to talk about things, I fully am open to doing so. Don't hesitate to send me a note here on FA or a message on Telegram or Discord. You can also reach out to my manager Arcaxon for any reason. I'm working to respond to everybody, and I promise I will, I just might be a little slow getting started, I hope that's understandable.
You're all the best, stay changey! (there's been some freaking amazing art and stories since I've been gone <<;)
Manger -

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Just Start
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(And might I add that I'm surprised? I've loved your work for a years! Really happy to see an artist I've followed for years follow me back)
I hope your dealings with your COVID illness ends soon & you can get better quickly. Please take care of yourself & get well soon.