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Writer | Registered: Feb 2, 2006 03:51
A little history first. I've now been in this fandom for 24 years. It just seems like yesterday sometimes. I got my start when I was managing services at Edwards Air Force Base. In 1998, I contracted a gentleman by the name of Edward Luena to draw charicatures in the front of the store, and he is the first one to introduce me to the furry fandom. For those who don't know, Edward Luena has been drawing for the fandom longer than a lot of us have been alive. His most famous work is the comic-series 'Crow of the Bear Clan', which came out in the mid-80's. Through Edward, I went to a couple anime conventions, and then down to Confurence before it died, and Further Confusion. I was hooked pretty hard at that point. In the beginning, I was 'Koyote' only because my first ISP had already taken 'coyote' as an e-mail name, so I chose the slight change, and I've been that ever since. In some cases, you'll find me as a foxyote, because my original character was a half-fox, half-coyote. Through the last ten years or so, I've been making the transition to the Aidan character, but I've been Koyote too long to really give it up. For now I'm mostly a panther, sometimes a satyr. I'm currently living in my birth city, Spokane, Washington. I was thinking about a move sometime back, but now it looks like I'm here for good. Prone to travel around, though. Usually California, lately the Midwest.
Molly Chalmers - Picture
Molly is a 22-year-old black mouse, entering her final year at University, studying for a teaching degree and working part-time at a bookstore. Molly had always been embarrassed about her decidedly blessed hourglass curves, including her H-cup breasts. A shy mouse, she always headed for the hills whenever the subject of sex came up, afraid to take that first step. A virgin until she was 21, Molly was expertly seduced by her friend Marbles into giving sex a try, and finding out for the first time just how much fun it is. Shortly after this, she was gifted with a ticket to a cruise where she met a couple of minks who playfully coax her into continuing to 'fix her problem', leading to a wild week of sex on the boat. An epiphany transformed her ideas on sex, and she finally understood how wonderful it could be, as well as the fact that she had the body to go out and get what she now desired. And with a little more work, the previously shy Molly is now extroverted enough to quench her quite ample sexual lusts on a regular basis, either through her boyfriend Kieran, or a number of well-hung suitors and apartment dwellers. From her initial meeting with the mink suitors on the cruise, she discovered that she's a rather strong size-queen, in addition to having a nearly insatiable desire for anal sex. She's also done a splendid job of discovering her bi-side. Molly has also developed a particularly strong attraction (weakspot) to equine-cocked herms and shemales.
Aidan - Satyr Picture and Panther Picture
Aidan is a 140-year-old satyr, which pegs him around 18 or 19 in human years. Still very young, but only starting to hit his stride when it comes to his, um... rather sizable libido. Being half-frost elf, he has a fair amount of magic at his fingertips that he was extensively trained on in his youth by his frost-elf mother, but he doesn't use it very often, unless he has to. One of the things he does use it for, is a variety of transformation spells. Aidan is particularly fond of his black panther form, and that's generally the form he'll spend the most amount of time in when he's not in his natural satyr self. He also has a mink, Friesian stallion, dark elf and of particular note, a black wolf. The black wolf gets substantial notice, because in his attempts at paring down the feral side of the canine, he's introduced an alter-ego...
B.B. - Picture
Short for Big and Bad. He's Aidan's physical representation of the satyr's id. Released as part of a combination magical and psychic experiment that went slightly askew, B.B. is the primitive and instinctive component of Aidan's personality. He's the impulsive part of the psyche, which responds to directly and immediately to the basest instincts. Meaning, he's driven by food and sex, not necessarily in that order. Rough around the edges, and very much a one-track mind, B.B. is much smarter than his normally base intellect sometimes shows. Just as long as you get his mind off of sex and food, he can actually be capably taught. Sometimes.
Niko Cassavedes - Picture
Niko is Aidan's physical representation of the satyr's ego. Released in the same experiment that created B.B. and Nadia, Niko is the decision making component of Aidan's personality. Essentially, the ego works by reason, whereas the id is chaotic and totally unreasonable. Well, almost totally unreasonable. The ego considers social realities and norms, etiquette and rules in deciding how to behave. Like the id, the ego seeks pleasure (boy does he ever!) and avoids pain, but unlike the id the ego is concerned with devising a realistic strategy to obtain pleasure. That's Niko in a nutshell. He's more in-tuned to reality, but also concerned with satisfying his fixations. Within reason. Kind of a physical cross between Aidan's human form and the panther, but a little bulkier. Chose his own first and last names, to suit himself.
Nadia Rassi - Picture
Nadia is Aidan's physical representation of the satyr's superego. Released in the same experiment that created Niko and B.B., Nadia incorporates the values and morals of society which are learned from one's parents and others. The superego consists of two systems: the conscience and the ideal self. The conscience can punish the ego through causing feelings of guilt. The ideal self is an imaginary picture of how you ought to be, and represents career aspirations, how to treat other people, and how to behave as a member of society. Behavior which falls short of the ideal self may be punished by the superego through guilt. And nobody does guilt quite like Nadia. She's smart, she's sexy and she's the voice of reason. She likes to use her intelligence before she'll use her curves, but she'll use both when necessary. Basically a photo-negative of Aidan, her main drive is to keep everyone in reasonable line through whatever methods she deems necessary. And because she's a satyress, sex is definitely a possible method. More like probable. Like Niko, she chose her own first and last names, to suit herself.
Kieran Chapman - Picture
Kieran met Molly in the registrar line at their college, and found out very quickly that they were not only a good match intellectually, but also a great match sexually. Despite being only 5'3" and 140 pounds, Kieran definitely sees himself as an alpha male, and with the mammoth cock to match his mammoth sex drive, the two mice were indulging each other's kinks before the week was over. Kieran is a 4.0 student, and while he has enough funds from some personally programmed web applications to not need a college degree any longer, a promise to his parents to finish his education keeps him in school. Molly also keeps him in school with regular sexual forays into her even higher sexual drive than his. Kieran can never say no to Molly's luscious booty.
LeiLani - Picture
Aidan's lover, especially of his panther side, the beautiful otter has been teaching him about the wonders of the ocean, and in very little time, has him becoming a very skilled diver. At least, very skilled when you're not an otter to begin with. She's also been teaching him about the advantages of having a large lung capacity. Not just purely for breathing underwater! Also a very talented writer, and you can obtain her services by clicking here: Writing, Editing and Reading Services
Kris Daniels - Picture
Kris, short for Kristopher, is a 21-year-old zebra in his third year at University, studying anthropology. Kris discovered early that an extroverted personality, a muscular body, and a huge cock made him a favorite at the local male strip club, which is where Molly first meets him. They hit it off in the VIP Lounge, and it's been love and more importantly... lust at first sight. His stripping has almost fully paid off his University tuition and apartment, and he enjoys the time spent with the luscious Molly.
Charlotte O'Brien - Picture
The first of the two room-mates living next door to Molly, she's a 22-year-old shemale jerboa, or kangaroo rat if you prefer. Freshly graduated from the university, she's working as an intern at a local financial institution in the hopes that it'll become a full-time position, and a lifelong position. Standing 6-foot-4 and weighing about 220 pounds, she's quite the muscular one, and has been for some time. Originally very short before college started, she harbored a little animosity at her lack of height, and started hitting the weights hard before her growth spurt kicked in. And it kicked in hard, as she went from near Molly's size to a strapping height. While she hasn't worked out of her past issues, she continues to work on them, and as a result, is a little more serious than her friends. Rooming with Mahogany, she enjoys Molly's charms whenever they're available.
Mahogany - Picture
Yep, just Mahogany. No last name. She's a 6-foot-0, 185 pound shemale gazelle, with a little oryx in her blood as well. Mahogany is 23, and runs a home consulting business that while very lucrative, gives her a lot of free time on her hands. And with a libido that's very nearly through the roof, she and Molly became very fast friends-with-benefits. If Molly isn't knocking on her door for a little gazelle cock, then Mahogany is knocking on Molly's door for some mouse ass. She'll team up with Charlotte at a moment's notice for not just sex, but to help out the jerboa with her internship work. Cheerful almost to a fault, she's always trying to get her more serious room-mate to lighten up. The two of them are usually found together when they're not at home, and definitely shop at the same stores. The Big 'N Tall shops.
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Molly Chalmers - Picture
Molly is a 22-year-old black mouse, entering her final year at University, studying for a teaching degree and working part-time at a bookstore. Molly had always been embarrassed about her decidedly blessed hourglass curves, including her H-cup breasts. A shy mouse, she always headed for the hills whenever the subject of sex came up, afraid to take that first step. A virgin until she was 21, Molly was expertly seduced by her friend Marbles into giving sex a try, and finding out for the first time just how much fun it is. Shortly after this, she was gifted with a ticket to a cruise where she met a couple of minks who playfully coax her into continuing to 'fix her problem', leading to a wild week of sex on the boat. An epiphany transformed her ideas on sex, and she finally understood how wonderful it could be, as well as the fact that she had the body to go out and get what she now desired. And with a little more work, the previously shy Molly is now extroverted enough to quench her quite ample sexual lusts on a regular basis, either through her boyfriend Kieran, or a number of well-hung suitors and apartment dwellers. From her initial meeting with the mink suitors on the cruise, she discovered that she's a rather strong size-queen, in addition to having a nearly insatiable desire for anal sex. She's also done a splendid job of discovering her bi-side. Molly has also developed a particularly strong attraction (weakspot) to equine-cocked herms and shemales.
Aidan - Satyr Picture and Panther Picture
Aidan is a 140-year-old satyr, which pegs him around 18 or 19 in human years. Still very young, but only starting to hit his stride when it comes to his, um... rather sizable libido. Being half-frost elf, he has a fair amount of magic at his fingertips that he was extensively trained on in his youth by his frost-elf mother, but he doesn't use it very often, unless he has to. One of the things he does use it for, is a variety of transformation spells. Aidan is particularly fond of his black panther form, and that's generally the form he'll spend the most amount of time in when he's not in his natural satyr self. He also has a mink, Friesian stallion, dark elf and of particular note, a black wolf. The black wolf gets substantial notice, because in his attempts at paring down the feral side of the canine, he's introduced an alter-ego...
B.B. - Picture
Short for Big and Bad. He's Aidan's physical representation of the satyr's id. Released as part of a combination magical and psychic experiment that went slightly askew, B.B. is the primitive and instinctive component of Aidan's personality. He's the impulsive part of the psyche, which responds to directly and immediately to the basest instincts. Meaning, he's driven by food and sex, not necessarily in that order. Rough around the edges, and very much a one-track mind, B.B. is much smarter than his normally base intellect sometimes shows. Just as long as you get his mind off of sex and food, he can actually be capably taught. Sometimes.
Niko Cassavedes - Picture
Niko is Aidan's physical representation of the satyr's ego. Released in the same experiment that created B.B. and Nadia, Niko is the decision making component of Aidan's personality. Essentially, the ego works by reason, whereas the id is chaotic and totally unreasonable. Well, almost totally unreasonable. The ego considers social realities and norms, etiquette and rules in deciding how to behave. Like the id, the ego seeks pleasure (boy does he ever!) and avoids pain, but unlike the id the ego is concerned with devising a realistic strategy to obtain pleasure. That's Niko in a nutshell. He's more in-tuned to reality, but also concerned with satisfying his fixations. Within reason. Kind of a physical cross between Aidan's human form and the panther, but a little bulkier. Chose his own first and last names, to suit himself.
Nadia Rassi - Picture
Nadia is Aidan's physical representation of the satyr's superego. Released in the same experiment that created Niko and B.B., Nadia incorporates the values and morals of society which are learned from one's parents and others. The superego consists of two systems: the conscience and the ideal self. The conscience can punish the ego through causing feelings of guilt. The ideal self is an imaginary picture of how you ought to be, and represents career aspirations, how to treat other people, and how to behave as a member of society. Behavior which falls short of the ideal self may be punished by the superego through guilt. And nobody does guilt quite like Nadia. She's smart, she's sexy and she's the voice of reason. She likes to use her intelligence before she'll use her curves, but she'll use both when necessary. Basically a photo-negative of Aidan, her main drive is to keep everyone in reasonable line through whatever methods she deems necessary. And because she's a satyress, sex is definitely a possible method. More like probable. Like Niko, she chose her own first and last names, to suit herself.
Kieran Chapman - Picture
Kieran met Molly in the registrar line at their college, and found out very quickly that they were not only a good match intellectually, but also a great match sexually. Despite being only 5'3" and 140 pounds, Kieran definitely sees himself as an alpha male, and with the mammoth cock to match his mammoth sex drive, the two mice were indulging each other's kinks before the week was over. Kieran is a 4.0 student, and while he has enough funds from some personally programmed web applications to not need a college degree any longer, a promise to his parents to finish his education keeps him in school. Molly also keeps him in school with regular sexual forays into her even higher sexual drive than his. Kieran can never say no to Molly's luscious booty.
LeiLani - Picture
Aidan's lover, especially of his panther side, the beautiful otter has been teaching him about the wonders of the ocean, and in very little time, has him becoming a very skilled diver. At least, very skilled when you're not an otter to begin with. She's also been teaching him about the advantages of having a large lung capacity. Not just purely for breathing underwater! Also a very talented writer, and you can obtain her services by clicking here: Writing, Editing and Reading Services
Kris Daniels - Picture
Kris, short for Kristopher, is a 21-year-old zebra in his third year at University, studying anthropology. Kris discovered early that an extroverted personality, a muscular body, and a huge cock made him a favorite at the local male strip club, which is where Molly first meets him. They hit it off in the VIP Lounge, and it's been love and more importantly... lust at first sight. His stripping has almost fully paid off his University tuition and apartment, and he enjoys the time spent with the luscious Molly.
Charlotte O'Brien - Picture
The first of the two room-mates living next door to Molly, she's a 22-year-old shemale jerboa, or kangaroo rat if you prefer. Freshly graduated from the university, she's working as an intern at a local financial institution in the hopes that it'll become a full-time position, and a lifelong position. Standing 6-foot-4 and weighing about 220 pounds, she's quite the muscular one, and has been for some time. Originally very short before college started, she harbored a little animosity at her lack of height, and started hitting the weights hard before her growth spurt kicked in. And it kicked in hard, as she went from near Molly's size to a strapping height. While she hasn't worked out of her past issues, she continues to work on them, and as a result, is a little more serious than her friends. Rooming with Mahogany, she enjoys Molly's charms whenever they're available.
Mahogany - Picture
Yep, just Mahogany. No last name. She's a 6-foot-0, 185 pound shemale gazelle, with a little oryx in her blood as well. Mahogany is 23, and runs a home consulting business that while very lucrative, gives her a lot of free time on her hands. And with a libido that's very nearly through the roof, she and Molly became very fast friends-with-benefits. If Molly isn't knocking on her door for a little gazelle cock, then Mahogany is knocking on Molly's door for some mouse ass. She'll team up with Charlotte at a moment's notice for not just sex, but to help out the jerboa with her internship work. Cheerful almost to a fault, she's always trying to get her more serious room-mate to lighten up. The two of them are usually found together when they're not at home, and definitely shop at the same stores. The Big 'N Tall shops.
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