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hobbyist artist | Registered: Jan 20, 2018 03:10
Comments Earned: 486
Comments Made: 284
Journals: 24
Comments Made: 284
Journals: 24
Recent Journal
Story quests
2 months ago
I’m starting a project inspired by interactive storytelling.
The idea is simple: I write a story in small chunks, and from time to time, you’ll decide what happens next—either by voting on options or suggesting your own ideas.
Combat, where it happens, will be resolved through a simple dice system. Rolls are done behind the scenes to allow for flexibility and creativity in shaping the outcomes.
If you enjoy collaborative storytelling and exploring unpredictable paths, feel free to join in when it begins.
The idea is simple: I write a story in small chunks, and from time to time, you’ll decide what happens next—either by voting on options or suggesting your own ideas.
Combat, where it happens, will be resolved through a simple dice system. Rolls are done behind the scenes to allow for flexibility and creativity in shaping the outcomes.
If you enjoy collaborative storytelling and exploring unpredictable paths, feel free to join in when it begins.
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