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Registered: Oct 17, 2007 08:36
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Comments Made: 7615
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Not sure when i'll come back
a year ago
yes it's been a while and some of you are probably wondering a few things
lets first start with a general statement "just cause i drew it when i badly needed money doesn't mean i am obligated to draw it now"
i no longer want to even look at Hyper stuff, i don't care for it, i don't care about it and i don't care that i "drew it so good"
I only accepted commissions like that for a while cause i was DESPERATE for cash
please don't ever fucking confuse professionalism for desire
also i am no longer taking comms, no clue for how long
but the fact is some horrid people made it highly undesirable for me to want to do commissions
to say it was traumatising to deal with these people is almost a understatement
I literally had a fucker have panic attacks in my ear over me drawing a sketch line...Same fucker also made me call paypal to find out how to fucking block them from giving me money cause they would spam me for attention
So....FUCK YOU in particular, and hope you find great pain in never seeing your comms finished (not that they would ever let me fucking finish comms)
Seriously this fucker once convinced someone WHO WAS HAPPY WITH THEIR COMMISSION that i could do a better was a comm i didn't even want to fucking do
THIS FUCKER even ruined days i set aside for others to work on their comms...all cause THIS FUCKER couldn't handle not being allowed to occupy 90% of my streaming time
So fuck it..THIS FUCKER is like 50% of my issues, the other 50% is people sending me crap i don't want to see or somehow thinking that when i say "i don't want to draw this" i am playing hard to get
and before the classic "but you could of said no"
You were not in my situation, you didn't understand how betrayed i felt by systems that were in place to help me, but didn't
So in short....FUCK THAT FUCKER IN PARTICULAR! and they know who they are
i liked to think no one is beyond redemption...thanks for proving me wrong...or atleast proving you have to want to redeem yourself
lets first start with a general statement "just cause i drew it when i badly needed money doesn't mean i am obligated to draw it now"
i no longer want to even look at Hyper stuff, i don't care for it, i don't care about it and i don't care that i "drew it so good"
I only accepted commissions like that for a while cause i was DESPERATE for cash
please don't ever fucking confuse professionalism for desire
also i am no longer taking comms, no clue for how long
but the fact is some horrid people made it highly undesirable for me to want to do commissions
to say it was traumatising to deal with these people is almost a understatement
I literally had a fucker have panic attacks in my ear over me drawing a sketch line...Same fucker also made me call paypal to find out how to fucking block them from giving me money cause they would spam me for attention
So....FUCK YOU in particular, and hope you find great pain in never seeing your comms finished (not that they would ever let me fucking finish comms)
Seriously this fucker once convinced someone WHO WAS HAPPY WITH THEIR COMMISSION that i could do a better was a comm i didn't even want to fucking do
THIS FUCKER even ruined days i set aside for others to work on their comms...all cause THIS FUCKER couldn't handle not being allowed to occupy 90% of my streaming time
So fuck it..THIS FUCKER is like 50% of my issues, the other 50% is people sending me crap i don't want to see or somehow thinking that when i say "i don't want to draw this" i am playing hard to get
and before the classic "but you could of said no"
You were not in my situation, you didn't understand how betrayed i felt by systems that were in place to help me, but didn't
So in short....FUCK THAT FUCKER IN PARTICULAR! and they know who they are
i liked to think no one is beyond redemption...thanks for proving me wrong...or atleast proving you have to want to redeem yourself


Also, invite for you ♡ :
Would be great to see you there!