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Writer | Registered: May 31, 2010 09:17
Haldo! I'm Kimor! I'm a red and black liger from Charleston, WV. I have a lot of interests! The less-sexy ones include strategy board games, video games, pen-and-paper RPGs and, occasionally, miniature painting. The more-sexy ones include...well, just take a look at my gallery, but have your brain-bleach ready.
I don't RP that much these days. It happens on occasion, but you have to catch me in the right mood and with an interesting scenario.
I have friends! A few of them:
I am also a member of some groups -
Finally, many of you are probably wanting this:
I don't RP that much these days. It happens on occasion, but you have to catch me in the right mood and with an interesting scenario.
I have friends! A few of them:

I am also a member of some groups -

Finally, many of you are probably wanting this:
Comments Earned: 1682
Comments Made: 1077
Journals: 83
Comments Made: 1077
Journals: 83
Recent Journal
My plans for the next 4 years
4 months ago
Looking back at my journals, it seems that I rarely post here unless there's something monumental going on. Sorry about that. But, I felt compelled to share my thoughts about how we weather things in the next four years. I believe that I will be taking a novel approach, and I would encourage you all to do the same: stop reading the news for a bit.
Before Trump and 2016, I read a lot less news. I voted, certainly. I was generally aware of what was going on. But, I wasn't glued to the news 24/7. Unfortunately, with Trump, that changed. And, for good reason - it is my opinion that he presents what is quite possibly the most significant danger to our current way of life.
However, keeping my eyes glued to the news 24/7 has taken a significant toll on me mentally. And, honestly, it's not giving me much benefit. I know that things could be very bad. I'll keep up with the top level news. Major headlines, that sort of thing. But, I'm not going to be reading it daily or going out of my way for it.
Until the midterms, there's not a lot that we can do politically on the federal level. There will be lots of reason for alarm. There will be some significantly dangerous developments. We have to let that wash past us. The assholes who put us in this situation want us to be scared. They want us to be cowed. I, for one, refuse to be either. I'm tired of it. Worst that they can do is shoot me, and if that happens, well, there's no real point in sacrificing all of my time until then anyway.
The best way to get back at them is to live your life joyfully. That's what they hate the most.
Edit: I forgot to add this. There *are* a few things that I will be doing to protect my interests moving forward. If you are worried, I would consider doing the same:
1. Setting up secure lines of communication with friends that cannot be intercepted.
2. Downloading anything off of the internet that you want to keep and making a local backup of it. Especially porn.
3. Saving money for the inevitable crash.
Before Trump and 2016, I read a lot less news. I voted, certainly. I was generally aware of what was going on. But, I wasn't glued to the news 24/7. Unfortunately, with Trump, that changed. And, for good reason - it is my opinion that he presents what is quite possibly the most significant danger to our current way of life.
However, keeping my eyes glued to the news 24/7 has taken a significant toll on me mentally. And, honestly, it's not giving me much benefit. I know that things could be very bad. I'll keep up with the top level news. Major headlines, that sort of thing. But, I'm not going to be reading it daily or going out of my way for it.
Until the midterms, there's not a lot that we can do politically on the federal level. There will be lots of reason for alarm. There will be some significantly dangerous developments. We have to let that wash past us. The assholes who put us in this situation want us to be scared. They want us to be cowed. I, for one, refuse to be either. I'm tired of it. Worst that they can do is shoot me, and if that happens, well, there's no real point in sacrificing all of my time until then anyway.
The best way to get back at them is to live your life joyfully. That's what they hate the most.
Edit: I forgot to add this. There *are* a few things that I will be doing to protect my interests moving forward. If you are worried, I would consider doing the same:
1. Setting up secure lines of communication with friends that cannot be intercepted.
2. Downloading anything off of the internet that you want to keep and making a local backup of it. Especially porn.
3. Saving money for the inevitable crash.
User Profile
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No Character Species
Liger; bred for my magical powers!
Favorite Music
Electro-swing, Techno, celtic, classical, classic rock, jazz and any odd combinations of all of the above.
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Inception, Rocky Horror, Clue, 12 Angry Men, Knives OUt
Favorite Games
Board Games: Power Grid, Eclipse, Splendor, Love Letter. Video: Binding of Isaac, Necrodancer, Stellaris
Favorite Gaming Platforms
NES, SNES, Playstation 1&2, Wii...It's so hard to choose! Board games are my specialty, though.
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Me ;)
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