Views: 72175
Submissions: 52
Favs: 1839

Watcher | Registered: Jul 9, 2011 03:57
Some stuff about me:
I own an Erotic Fighting Federation named
n-s-f-w. If you are interested in this subject and/or is your thing, check it out.
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I usually am willing to do a session! I can RP a broad variety of subjects but the main brunt of them are: a)Fighting and b)Sex mosty paw related. Disclaimer: I am not interested in male or musky feet.
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Comments Earned: 8985
Comments Made: 16186
Journals: 7
Comments Made: 16186
Journals: 7
Recent Journal
Scammer/Art Thief alert!
a year ago
Well, as it happens, I my friend, the artist
chutos2012 both fell victim to an art thief.
^^ This is the stolen piece ^^
As you can see, he has taken a pic Chutos has done, of my kangaroo OC, Jackie, and created a dakimakura of it without permission from either of us.
Would love to issue a takedown request, however, when I tried to do so, the site redirected me to Alibaba's IPP department, where I would had to use my own ID to validate my claims, in trying to take this stolen piece down.
And since I don't wish the Chinese to own my personal data, telling everyone here that this piece above and any other similar pieces in the future are stolen and do not have permission of either me or the artist(s) involved in their creation, so please, stay safe to not fall into scams by malicious agents.
Stay safe!
^^ This is the stolen piece ^^
As you can see, he has taken a pic Chutos has done, of my kangaroo OC, Jackie, and created a dakimakura of it without permission from either of us.
Would love to issue a takedown request, however, when I tried to do so, the site redirected me to Alibaba's IPP department, where I would had to use my own ID to validate my claims, in trying to take this stolen piece down.
And since I don't wish the Chinese to own my personal data, telling everyone here that this piece above and any other similar pieces in the future are stolen and do not have permission of either me or the artist(s) involved in their creation, so please, stay safe to not fall into scams by malicious agents.
Stay safe!
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Human, I want to believe
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LotR, Oldboy
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Tekken, Street Fighter, Bloody Roar, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Legend of Dragoon
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Kangaroo, Ostrich, Lion
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Wanted to stop in and say HaPPy BirFDay to you. May it be a great day for you. Savor it well!!