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Look at my hooorse... | Registered: Sep 18, 2013 03:47
An average horse.
Y'know... curious and stuff.
Sometimes I feel like a human trapped in a horse body. YIKES!
Y'know... curious and stuff.
Sometimes I feel like a human trapped in a horse body. YIKES!
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Comments Earned: 77
Comments Made: 422
Journals: 1
Comments Made: 422
Journals: 1
Recent Journal
Day 2541
4 years ago
It was a nice day, as always. I woke up, took a wee-wee and pooped, I walked, ate grass... more wee-wee and poopsy-poo... spent the rest of the time moving mah tail to scare da' flies and mosquitoes. Actually managed to kill many. Then I realized I wuz doing that thing with my overgrown winky again, slappin' my belly with it. It felt funny as usual, ending with some white wee-wee pumping n' landing all over the grass. Gassy stuff came out from my back door. I got tired from all the thrill and went back to sleep down da' big old tree. I thanked God for still not knowing how to pray nor be religious since I'm a wild horse, and fell asleep.
Wish I had hands and not these hooves to write down all my intense and breathtakin' horse thoughts. Oh well.
Wish I had hands and not these hooves to write down all my intense and breathtakin' horse thoughts. Oh well.
User Profile
Accepting Trades
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No Character Species
Long face with cute mane and tail.
Favorite Music
Djent... I mean, barn sounds.
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (DUH!!!), anything that contains an unhealthy amount of horsies. Oh ya... and Pokemon, Zootopia, Beastars.
Favorite Games
I kinda love IRL Scrabble, Monopoly and Hide n' Seek.
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Horses don't use technology, that's why they die soon. Yep.
Favorite Animals
Favorite Site
e621 'cause it contains more fur. Lol. Also Neopets. Don't ask.
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Goat cheese & crackers. I realized the rest of food is junk.
Favorite Quote
"I didn't order that, but it comes with some crackers. Thanks."
Favorite Artists
Francis Bacon. His work helped me overcome my fear of puking... oh, by the way... did ya know horses can't puke?

*Horse flying kiss*
I'm seriously waiting for CB's next album. Hope it doesn't happen as it did, long ago, with Estatic Fear or Lunar Aurora. Pain in the horse ass (big pain): you find a cool band. Then it gets fucked. Ugh.