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Artistic Merboy | Registered: Dec 18, 2011 07:29
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Comments Made: 904
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Commission Fees
4 years ago
Sketches $10
Per sketch, multiple characters and extra things usually +$3 per thing. A sequence, discounts will be added for similar or easy drawings and alternatively drawings may be grouped as together and priced as one.
Lined piece $14
Is price of normal sketch +$4 for linework
Lined and coloured $21
Is price of lined +$7 for colour
Lined, Coloured and Shaded $40
These'll look the best. :)
Add background and foreground scenery. +$6-8
This only applies to coloured commissions and up.
Adding extra characters to a piece +$14 each (per frame)
Every new image in a sequence could be +$40 for when it's a fully shaded piece or +$21 if just coloured. (3 images max)
For discounts on commissions, from 10% to 25% off, see my Patreon tiers. And if you do the math, you can save more than the price of your patronage in a single commission, and still get all other patron benefits.
Per sketch, multiple characters and extra things usually +$3 per thing. A sequence, discounts will be added for similar or easy drawings and alternatively drawings may be grouped as together and priced as one.
Lined piece $14
Is price of normal sketch +$4 for linework
Lined and coloured $21
Is price of lined +$7 for colour
Lined, Coloured and Shaded $40
These'll look the best. :)
Add background and foreground scenery. +$6-8
This only applies to coloured commissions and up.
Adding extra characters to a piece +$14 each (per frame)
Every new image in a sequence could be +$40 for when it's a fully shaded piece or +$21 if just coloured. (3 images max)
For discounts on commissions, from 10% to 25% off, see my Patreon tiers. And if you do the math, you can save more than the price of your patronage in a single commission, and still get all other patron benefits.
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Beans on toast. Tomato soup. Pizza.