Views: 13500
Submissions: 39
Favs: 1014

Anthro Artist/Animator | Registered: Aug 2, 2009 10:49
Happily taken by me wonderful Sal~ ✨❤️💗💖
Oak-forest-wolf💖💗❤️✨ -w-
A large, clumsy and fuzzy-minded Swedish Dragon/lion hybrid that loves railroad trains, animals and to sing and draw stuff, that's basically me in a nutshell. XB
Feel free to stop by for a talk/chat when you got extra-time on yer paws and if you feel like it. :3 (Just be prepared for delayed responses though ^.^; )
Most certainly am I honoured to be member to these groups

Featured Submission
Comments Earned: 930
Comments Made: 1626
Journals: 7
Comments Made: 1626
Journals: 7
Recent Journal
All of the recent Faving & Running...
6 years ago
Greetings, fellow peeps an' furs.
Now, plenty of you may have noticed an awful lot of fave notifications from a certain Scandinavian reptile lately, and it's just me trying to empty my inbox from a mountain of submissions by quickly going through and faving 'em one by one.
It's a long story.
So I hope you guys won't mind this cheap fave-&-run marathon o'mine you got dragged into. 9.9;
... and if anything, that every fave-notification from me is at least some form of feedback, no matter how late it is.
And if not, I apologize for all of this(for some of you in particular that got the biggest tidal waves of fave-notifictations,
Toughset &
RavenFire5 being a few, I sincerely apologize for all of that "spam". >~^; ).
I'm sorry once more for this mess and hope to do better. <~<;
Now, plenty of you may have noticed an awful lot of fave notifications from a certain Scandinavian reptile lately, and it's just me trying to empty my inbox from a mountain of submissions by quickly going through and faving 'em one by one.
It's a long story.
For those of you who don't know, or perhaps forgot; There was a point in time back in spring 2011 when I felt that the world started crumbling down upon me. It began with that my first laptop crashed, taking almost all of my hard work(both art, and home work!) with it. It lead to a shaky and awkward social life both at the Karlskoga High School I was studying at and at my home ground with my parents.
I fell in despair, into a deep depression that were to last almost an entire year, due to most of the other students either ignored me or treated me like trash. And it wasn't much better back home with my parents, with all of my brothers moved out and I was still left with the parents that didn't do much else but telling me to do this and that, which made it worse for my mentality for to feeling so pathetic, ignorant and not taken seriously.
Fast forward to the end of winter 2012, I finally learned to accept the situations and tried to work my way up again and move on, especially when the exams was coming around the corner of spring. And then the turning point in time came when I would be all the way down in Nässjö - 4-5 hour's car journey from my parent's home - to study animation. And thank goodness for that turning point in life; cuz I finally got to study and put effort into what I was burning for, I finally got into a group that treated me as one of their one like a new huge family, and I found myself a girl friend after the first year there, thus making me feel like on top of the world once more.
Now during that time, especially through the depression period, the mass of messages in my inbox both here and on DA was left to build up. Not because that I was too depressed to deal with it, but that I still wanted to keep in touch with you guys and help supporting y'all by giving feedback on yer fabulous content.
... At least that was the plan.
However, the amount of Submissions alone had practically gone through the roof, up to almost 20.000 pieces. x.x
I still clinged onto me plans of going through each individual piece and give proper feedback, but for how many that the inbox have gathered, I'm sorry to say to say that I would probably be stuck with it for the rest of my life(Yes, I'm a slow thinker, want to be thorough and always fearing that I would say/write something wrong or offensive by accident).
So I finally thought Sod it, is better to start over with my supporting/feedback-giving by giving me inbox proper Spring Cleaning(Almost the same situation with all of your journals).
But I haven't got the heart to just nuke the entire pile without a single interaction with any of them sweet, marvelous art pieces you've produced, thus all of the recent faving and running.
So I hope you guys won't mind this cheap fave-&-run marathon o'mine you got dragged into. 9.9;
... and if anything, that every fave-notification from me is at least some form of feedback, no matter how late it is.
And if not, I apologize for all of this(for some of you in particular that got the biggest tidal waves of fave-notifictations,

I'm sorry once more for this mess and hope to do better. <~<;
With all of that written out, I hereby thank you for taking your time to read this journal o'mine, and I wish you all a good, happy one.
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Western Dragon/Lion hybrid
Favorite Music
Well, good ones and guilty-pleasure-ones. >w<; Celtic and Irish being a few of the good ones
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
The Lion King, Dragonheart, Back to the Future 1-3, Disney's Robin Hood, How to train your Dragon, and many more... and Zootopia
Favorite Games
Turbo Trainz, Legend of Spyro -Dawn of the Dragon and Railroad Tycoon 3
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Nintendo Wii and N64
Favorite Animals
Lions/tigers, eagles/falcons, wolves/foxes, turtles, snakes, crocodiles, sharks, dinosaurs... and of course, dragons!!
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Vegan made, like Pizza with vegan kebab and peach slices
Favorite Quote
'It's better that it rains today, so that we can enjoy the sun in the tomorrow day
Favorite Artists
Boy, there is a lot of them!... ^^;
Contact Information
