Views: 24660
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Crafter | Registered: Jul 26, 2015 10:15
Hello! I am Jaye and the head operator of JayeCreations!
All of our information such as pricing, quotes, openings, or how to contact us has now been compiled here:
We do NOT answer notes or shouts anymore, sorry!
Credit to where we outsource materials:
We outsource the scales from, pindarava, WeaveGotMaille.
We only use rubber spikes and resin claws from Dream Vision Creations ( ). These are wonderful makers and we highly recommend them if you have your own projects you'd like to try!
Convention Plans:
Vending Furry Week Atlanta 2024
Updated as of: December 2023
Featured Submission
Comments Earned: 855
Comments Made: 973
Journals: 101
Comments Made: 973
Journals: 101
Featured Journal
JayeCreations 2023 Update!
a year agoWe have consolidated almost all our links into one place now, y'know, like a responsible business!
Everything from our website, shop, group chat, customs info, quote forms, emailing list, socials, etc. It can all be found and branched out on from that ^ link.
We will always have our next stock drop date posted on that link, as well our custom commission information. So if you want to know more about the jingly scalemail stuff, check that out and hit us up with any questions!
We mostly use FA as an archive for all our past projects. So we still ask not to message us on here, or you risk not getting a reply for 1-4 weeks.
So yeah. Hope ya'll have been doing great. We can't wait to keep showing all the amazing customs we've been making!
Current Convention Plans:
Nothing for 2023.
Applying for FWA 2024 and MFF 2024.
If you are wanting something for a convention at any point in 2024, we highly recommend applying for a custom when we reopen in January 2024. We work via a waitlist. Once that waitlist is filled up with a year's worth of work, we close it until we are caught up. You can fill out a commission form and request for it to not be reviewed for a slot until later in the year. We are very flexible with our clients and future clients!
Thanks for reading and we hope you like the continued jinglies!
