Views: 45821
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TANGERINE MEME MACHINE! | Registered: Nov 27, 2014 12:12
Greetings and Salutations!
Dragon | Male | ENTP | Writes Stuff
No longer single, but still seeking Pringles
Pringle Status: ~35!
Welcome to my humble little corner of the internet. However you've found it, make yourself at home! I write things. Some of those things are fairly innocuous. Others... not so much. I'm currently working on getting a manuscript of mine edited and ready for publishing. You can read a few (unedited and very rough) chapters of that here on my profile. Fear not, though, as I upload plenty of material here, both written and art commissions. I take writing commissions! Keep your eyes open for that if you might be interested when I'm open. Slots are announced via journals. Otherwise, feel free to look around and enjoy the gallery/library! Just be sure to wipe your paws. A word of note. I don't RP much, and if I do, it's with people I know, trust, and consider close friends. Even then, I don't have a whole lot of time for it.

My Soulmate. My mate. My favorite person in the world.


^And a bunch more that I could put here but FA has an icon limit :c!^
Feel free to send me a note and chat or talk to me on Discord. I'll probably answer.... eventually.
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Comments Earned: 4766
Comments Made: 5815
Journals: 100
Comments Made: 5815
Journals: 100
Recent Journal
Happy Hatchday To Me
3 weeks ago
32 years of this and still going.
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Western Dragon
Favorite Music
Metal, Orchestral/symphonic, Rock, Alternative.... Basically a bit of everything.
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Kung POW: Enter the Fist, UHF, Dragonheart, All LoTR movies
Favorite Games
PUBG (Seriously, I have a problem), World of Tanks, Civ 5, Anything Elder Scrolls, Halo, Need For Speed
Favorite Gaming Platforms
PC, XboxOne
Favorite Animals
Dergonz, Cetaceans, Gryphons, Parrots, Amphibians, Lizards of all varieties
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Sushi - I could eat nothing else for the rest of my life and die happy.
Favorite Quote
"Bravery is just applied stupidity."
Contact Information