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Fursuiter | Registered: Jun 25, 2012 12:25
Hello im James Snow or as my friends call me Snow or Snowy ^^,im a Arctic fox,pretty rare if you ask me.My fursona is my personality,shy,curios,loving,cute,intelligent.....ect.....and by the way im a
ricanfurs ._. yes i know what your asking,"how does a arctic fox end up in a hot humid island" i really dont know,just some random event :P. But any way im a very open person and i love to chat with people,its what i love most about the furry fandom.Im now in college,studying for mechanical engineering,so if you see me days with out talking it possible im busy.I also have some hobbies,RC cars and truck,Fursuiting,drawing and just fooling around with friends :P any way feel free to message me,i wont bite you (much) if you say something bad
by the way im a big
DancerFurs i cant stop dancing when im bored!! *tuts*
Cons ill try to attend:
FWA 2015
Megaplex 2015
MFF 2015
Cons i wish to attend:
Trades:always open ;3
my suit was made by

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Comments Earned: 5474
Comments Made: 6221
Journals: 270
Comments Made: 6221
Journals: 270
Recent Journal
Life has been,interesting
8 years ago
Well from my last journal entry,its been a very interesting time, met people,broke up with love ones,
gain new ones and repeat the cycle again. I would be in this moment saying "pleaseeeee some girl come date me"
buuuuuuut realizing how life is, the chances of such thing would be 1/10 chance. Im still single and all just,
still having the effects from my last one, any who that's my love life now on to my other parts of life.
Been repeating Phys for various times now in college and finally i can move on to my other classes !!?!
YAY! but still 3 more years until i can finally fucking graduate college for mechanical engineering T.T and leave this island.
Hobby wise its been weird,i stretched out started doing RC planes and its new to me and fun ^^!
plus it tied in very well with my college.Also i will be doing a aeromodeling club in my university thanks to my professor :)! .
NOW! to the part alot of you ask,what about dancing?, i been up to my neck and RC,
college and other responsibilities and after my failed attempted at MFF 2015 to get in solo i lost all motivation,
now that i got back from megaplex 2016 now i feel like i need to push full throttle to get better !
So to end this quick summary, i miss all my friends in the US and all my local ones V_V i really do,
college has taken a masive toll on my motivation and life, i want to get it over with but i get jealous or
sad seen every one else having a blast fucking each other or seen movies and such and
im stuck here in this island with no job and no experience waiting it out and selling what i can to go to con's.
I do not ask for sympathy its shit i have to deal with almost on a daily basis,
just remember sometimes what you have,who you have and where you are is better then nothing, because having nothing sucks, specially no dad.
gain new ones and repeat the cycle again. I would be in this moment saying "pleaseeeee some girl come date me"
buuuuuuut realizing how life is, the chances of such thing would be 1/10 chance. Im still single and all just,
still having the effects from my last one, any who that's my love life now on to my other parts of life.
Been repeating Phys for various times now in college and finally i can move on to my other classes !!?!
YAY! but still 3 more years until i can finally fucking graduate college for mechanical engineering T.T and leave this island.
Hobby wise its been weird,i stretched out started doing RC planes and its new to me and fun ^^!
plus it tied in very well with my college.Also i will be doing a aeromodeling club in my university thanks to my professor :)! .
NOW! to the part alot of you ask,what about dancing?, i been up to my neck and RC,
college and other responsibilities and after my failed attempted at MFF 2015 to get in solo i lost all motivation,
now that i got back from megaplex 2016 now i feel like i need to push full throttle to get better !
So to end this quick summary, i miss all my friends in the US and all my local ones V_V i really do,
college has taken a masive toll on my motivation and life, i want to get it over with but i get jealous or
sad seen every one else having a blast fucking each other or seen movies and such and
im stuck here in this island with no job and no experience waiting it out and selling what i can to go to con's.
I do not ask for sympathy its shit i have to deal with almost on a daily basis,
just remember sometimes what you have,who you have and where you are is better then nothing, because having nothing sucks, specially no dad.
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No Character Species
Arctic fox
Favorite Music
alternative,tech and many more
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
fast five
Favorite Games
War thunder
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Ps3, PC
Favorite Animals
Favorite Quote
Keep your Chin up and look forwards
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