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Booshie | Registered: Mar 27, 2019 09:02
I'm Booshie, the Catdog... Dogcat, Hat, Cog... Dat, Huskcat.... I could go on if you let me.
I'm WAY more active on Twitter/Bluesky, so if you're looking to get to know me, you should look there.
I own a fair bit of character's now! Their names go as follows: Todd, Xerayas, Booshie, Steryll (traditional art only at this time), an unnamed cat, and an unnamed wolf.
Todd is more happy-go-lucky and is one of my go to characters to commission happy art for, as well as just any cool situations I think their design would fit.
Booshie/Boosh is my personal own character who I've had since 2015, they have grown a lot from their original form, and I'm happy with how their design looks now... I do tend to get more emotional art pieces with him because he displays how I feel and I consider him an extension of myself. He is also the only character I have porn of currently.
Xerayas is my edgy fox that I LOVE getting really snarky and just badass art with, and I hope to get more of them in the future. Their design is made by
appliei !
My unnamed cat sona has a really awesome design also made by
appliei , you should check them out! They're my only cat fursona and they fit my vibes of brooding yet majestic.
Steryll is just a character I drew at a hyena meet and greet at MFF2023, it was fun drawing them how I wanted and I might get a more fleshed out version of them later.
Now lastly, I will warn you that I do like a lot of porn, so if you go looking through my favorites tab you'll probably see a lot of fetish art there, so enter at your own risk.
My one and only <3
By the way I really love Sly Cooper, he is my defacto-husband.
Cons I have attended:
FWA 2022
StratosFur 2022
Midwest Furfest 2022
Furcationland 2023
Midwest Furfest 2023
Anthro New England 2024
Furcationland 2024 (Worked)
Anthrocon 2024
Furpocalypse 2024
Midwest Furfest 2024
Anthro New England 2025
Cons I plan on attending:
Furcationland 2025 (Working)
Megaplex 2025?
Comments Earned: 249
Comments Made: 323
Journals: 5
Comments Made: 323
Journals: 5
Recent Journal
oh wow, it's 2025
3 weeks ago
I'm only just now realizing that like, damn. I turned 18 in 2019. My life has changed but also stayed the same a LOT since that time, especially with the era of 2020 being my first ADULT year of my life. It's so strange looking back on that time and thinking about how much I could have done as a young 18-19 year old but it's not worth dwelling on it now, right?
Wasn't just me who had a part of their life basically put on pause for two years, everyone else was in the same boat and it feels just so... Different now, especially being 23 going on 24 this year. It's crazy to me that FIVE whole years have gone by and I'm kind of just, idk, barely making it in life. At least in terms of money.... I've gotten to meet so many new furs, gotten to hang out at many conventions now and it's been so amazing each time I can hang out with my friends. Does anyone else feel though that you're just missing time you wish you could get back?
Cause gosh, I can't imagine what the younger furries of my generation are doing now, I still feel like I'm a new adult... Granted, I am, sorta... lol... Just feels like I've had such a late start to do things that I love doing.
I'm planning on going to more conventions this year, but I also really want to save money to move elsewhere, Maine is lovely and all but I've lived here for so long that I feel like I'm trapped!!!
Anyways this is just a random journal I felt like making. Thanks if you read it, my friends.
Wasn't just me who had a part of their life basically put on pause for two years, everyone else was in the same boat and it feels just so... Different now, especially being 23 going on 24 this year. It's crazy to me that FIVE whole years have gone by and I'm kind of just, idk, barely making it in life. At least in terms of money.... I've gotten to meet so many new furs, gotten to hang out at many conventions now and it's been so amazing each time I can hang out with my friends. Does anyone else feel though that you're just missing time you wish you could get back?
Cause gosh, I can't imagine what the younger furries of my generation are doing now, I still feel like I'm a new adult... Granted, I am, sorta... lol... Just feels like I've had such a late start to do things that I love doing.
I'm planning on going to more conventions this year, but I also really want to save money to move elsewhere, Maine is lovely and all but I've lived here for so long that I feel like I'm trapped!!!
Anyways this is just a random journal I felt like making. Thanks if you read it, my friends.
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Hybrid - Siamese cat, Husky dog
Favorite Music
Indie, R&B, Pop, Video game music
Favorite Games
Sly Cooper, Destiny 2, World of Warcraft, Need for Speed
Favorite Gaming Platforms
PC // Previously: Xbox (360)
Favorite Animals
In no particular order: Cats, raccoons, foxes, wolves, otters, and possums
Favorite Site
YouTube I guess?
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Spicy Curry, Ramen, Stir-fry
Contact Information