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Fursuiter | Registered: Sep 6, 2010 06:01

What should I say about myself. I'm a non-binary, pansexual furry. I joined the fandom in 2003. I've met so many wonderful critters! Artist, musicians, performers, creators and Just all out party animals! Also met my husband in this fandom! I'm making and wear my own fursuits and costumes. Some of my other hobbies are stage magic, collecting things of all sorts. I am a fur that tries to lives true to themself. By design or by habit I am a whimsical type. I do not care what other people think, it is my life... not theirs!! All so I'm the type that love to do think on one's fancy. To explore the things in and around you and never lose your child like wonder of it all..... The older I get the harder it is to keep that wonder. But I try and that probably why I love fursuiting so much. Well that me in a nutshell, any comments or question feel free to send me a note. :3


I am A teller of stories, a weaver of Dreams.
I can dance, sing, and in the right weather satnd on my head.
I know 7 words of latin.
I know the proper way to meet a dragon.
I have a little magic and a trick or two.
I can fight dirty but not fare.
I am not domestic.
I am a luxury and in that sense necessary! Aβ

Comments Earned: 876
Comments Made: 1093
Journals: 11
Comments Made: 1093
Journals: 11
Recent Journal
looking for Disney's adventurers club tat! :3
11 years ago
For those of you that don't know, I am a Florida fur! and right now I'm on a small question to fine things, souvenir cups and anything from the Disney's adventures club that was at Pleasure Island! So I'm putting up this little shout to any Florida fur the might have anything from the club and thay be willing to sell!
Thanks for reading and KUNGALOOSH!
Thanks for reading and KUNGALOOSH!
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
White Bengal Tiger
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Favorite Games
Undertale, Cult of the Lamb and Animal crossing!
Favorite Animals
Tigers & Dog
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Favorite Quote
Magic is in evrey thing you see, if you take the time to looke.