Views: 8537
Submissions: 79
Favs: 730

Digital Artist | Registered: Jan 29, 2013 03:49
You know how you always hear what it feels like to really really like someone? from stupid gossip or crappy romance but the explanation is always the same. nervous, sweaty palms, hard to breathe, you have butterflies in your stomach and you feel like you want to puke rainbows and breakfast from 10 years ago, everything you say sound unbearably stupid, pretentious, naive, self asumptious pathetic your own ears and everything they say is so much better? thats how I feel around everyone. shy.
Please consider supporting me at my Patreon!
My character account for my sona-
I am a:
purplefurs (my sona)
brownfurs (Ian)
virginiafurs among other places.
Note- hyena pav still exists and I like him a lot, expect to see more of him later, but I'm happier with my cat, that is usbject to change though, I know people think it's annoying when people change Sonas, but it's my decision and what I'm comfortable with, not anyone else's.
Other than that-
You can call me Pav, Pavatti, Pav-Hatti Pavvi Pavbutt or any other spin on my name you can think of. You can learn a lot about a person by listening to the songs they love.
Commissions are- CLOSED Trades are- CLOSED Requests are- RARE.
I will open commissions via journal, so look out for those. Trades are closed for now, but generally aren't something I'll do, unless I'm watching you or have otherwise showed an interest in your art I probably won't accept. I just don't have all the time in the world to draw everything for everyone ^^; as for requests? I have to be REALLY interested to say yes. and I won't do more than a sketch if I don't know you well.
Want to support my work? Don't have enough for a commission? Not interested in my Patreon content, or not willing to pledge something monthly? Consider sending me a tip at It would be greatly apreciated and anything at all, even the smallest tips help me survive.
Please consider supporting me at my Patreon!
My character account for my sona-

I am a:


Note- hyena pav still exists and I like him a lot, expect to see more of him later, but I'm happier with my cat, that is usbject to change though, I know people think it's annoying when people change Sonas, but it's my decision and what I'm comfortable with, not anyone else's.
Other than that-
You can call me Pav, Pavatti, Pav-Hatti Pavvi Pavbutt or any other spin on my name you can think of. You can learn a lot about a person by listening to the songs they love.
Commissions are- CLOSED Trades are- CLOSED Requests are- RARE.
I will open commissions via journal, so look out for those. Trades are closed for now, but generally aren't something I'll do, unless I'm watching you or have otherwise showed an interest in your art I probably won't accept. I just don't have all the time in the world to draw everything for everyone ^^; as for requests? I have to be REALLY interested to say yes. and I won't do more than a sketch if I don't know you well.
Want to support my work? Don't have enough for a commission? Not interested in my Patreon content, or not willing to pledge something monthly? Consider sending me a tip at It would be greatly apreciated and anything at all, even the smallest tips help me survive.
Featured Submission
Comments Earned: 1938
Comments Made: 3579
Journals: 45
Comments Made: 3579
Journals: 45
Recent Journal
9 years ago
Reminder that I am open for design/ref sheet commissions on waitress and off waitress base and 1-2 hour commissions.
Ref sheets start at 100, front and back view with simple background and some info, hand written around the body. Extras cost more, chibi outfits are 20 more, smaller things than that(closeups on simple accessories ect.) are 10 more, expressions 15 more, build your own. Designs get neither a discount nor a raise in price unless you want rough sketches of the design first, in which case you pay for those too.
On base ref sheets are whatever it is you wanted half off. If your extras are not something I can do on the base itself, like you want me to draw the chibi myself or the outfit is drawn completely by me etc. etc. then that part will be the full add on price or a slightly lowered price.
and hourly commissions are 20 an hour flat rate.
Prices are approximate, I charge extra for complexity, at my discretion. For example, tiger stripes would be only a little extra, as they're dense and take time, but not all that difficult, but large wings would cost more extra because they're difficult to draw and add an entire layer of complexity to the anatomy, weighting and composition of the piece, thereby changing and making more complicated every step of a piece. i do not charge for strange faces, tail mouthes or species I am not familiar with etc. etc. only things that make the piece take more time to become refined.
All commissions that are not ref sheet/design commissions have an added charge if I am working off a description.
I will do fairly major changes on the sketch stage if needed for free, I will not change the entire sketch for free more than once anymore. Past the sketch stage only simple changes and obvious blunders on my part will be changed for free. I reserve the right to deny a change that I feel was not my fault for getting wrong and is not minor enough in these stages. If you would still like it changed, I can quote you a price depending on how much of a pain it is for me to change and once paid, I will change it. This includes but is not limited to changes of design during the making of the commission, parts if the design that were not clear or entirely absent in the description or references provided and opinion on how I portrayed aspects of your character beyond the sketch stage.
Pieces below 100 are half upfront to secure a slot. Pieces 100 dollars and above are 50 flat rate to secure a slot. This is non-refundable as I need these commissions to survive. Please be serious about a commission if you pay the slot. If you, for any reason, desire a refund I will calculate the amount of time and effort I have already put into it and give you the remaining funds. If you have not paid past the downpayment I will not accept a refund, I will simply scrap your commission. If the piece is done or almost done and you have qualms with how it was made or turned out, I will /not/ refund you anything.
You are allowed to post my artwork made for you once paid in full in other places. You do not get legal rights to the artwork. You cannot make money off of the artwork without my permission or paying me part of the proceeds. If you have gotten a refund of any sort you may not use the artwork I have already made for you in that commission.
If you harass me about progress(please do not ask every day for progress, I work fairly slowly. If I have not gotten to your slot do not ask me more than once a week if it's your turn yet.) Go against my terms or beg/harass me to go against my terms you will be blacklisted from any and all future commissions. This includes badgering me about my prices. You may politely try to negotiate terms that may not work for whatever reason for you. I will probably not bend my rules, but will listen. If I say no, that's the end of it
Please send any tips to and any payment on payment as goods and services, make sure you don't give me a shipping address and that paypal knows I am not shipping you anything.
I only take two slots at a time. Don't send me payment before I ask. If I have not confirmed your slot and you send the downpayment to instead of goods and services, I thank you then for the lovely tip, but it doesn't count, so please, if you don't want me to treat it as a tip... don't send it to my I will be reasonable if it's a mistake or a typo, but if you blatantly ignore my rules don't expect me to be lenient.
Ref sheets start at 100, front and back view with simple background and some info, hand written around the body. Extras cost more, chibi outfits are 20 more, smaller things than that(closeups on simple accessories ect.) are 10 more, expressions 15 more, build your own. Designs get neither a discount nor a raise in price unless you want rough sketches of the design first, in which case you pay for those too.
On base ref sheets are whatever it is you wanted half off. If your extras are not something I can do on the base itself, like you want me to draw the chibi myself or the outfit is drawn completely by me etc. etc. then that part will be the full add on price or a slightly lowered price.
and hourly commissions are 20 an hour flat rate.
Prices are approximate, I charge extra for complexity, at my discretion. For example, tiger stripes would be only a little extra, as they're dense and take time, but not all that difficult, but large wings would cost more extra because they're difficult to draw and add an entire layer of complexity to the anatomy, weighting and composition of the piece, thereby changing and making more complicated every step of a piece. i do not charge for strange faces, tail mouthes or species I am not familiar with etc. etc. only things that make the piece take more time to become refined.
All commissions that are not ref sheet/design commissions have an added charge if I am working off a description.
I will do fairly major changes on the sketch stage if needed for free, I will not change the entire sketch for free more than once anymore. Past the sketch stage only simple changes and obvious blunders on my part will be changed for free. I reserve the right to deny a change that I feel was not my fault for getting wrong and is not minor enough in these stages. If you would still like it changed, I can quote you a price depending on how much of a pain it is for me to change and once paid, I will change it. This includes but is not limited to changes of design during the making of the commission, parts if the design that were not clear or entirely absent in the description or references provided and opinion on how I portrayed aspects of your character beyond the sketch stage.
Pieces below 100 are half upfront to secure a slot. Pieces 100 dollars and above are 50 flat rate to secure a slot. This is non-refundable as I need these commissions to survive. Please be serious about a commission if you pay the slot. If you, for any reason, desire a refund I will calculate the amount of time and effort I have already put into it and give you the remaining funds. If you have not paid past the downpayment I will not accept a refund, I will simply scrap your commission. If the piece is done or almost done and you have qualms with how it was made or turned out, I will /not/ refund you anything.
You are allowed to post my artwork made for you once paid in full in other places. You do not get legal rights to the artwork. You cannot make money off of the artwork without my permission or paying me part of the proceeds. If you have gotten a refund of any sort you may not use the artwork I have already made for you in that commission.
If you harass me about progress(please do not ask every day for progress, I work fairly slowly. If I have not gotten to your slot do not ask me more than once a week if it's your turn yet.) Go against my terms or beg/harass me to go against my terms you will be blacklisted from any and all future commissions. This includes badgering me about my prices. You may politely try to negotiate terms that may not work for whatever reason for you. I will probably not bend my rules, but will listen. If I say no, that's the end of it
Please send any tips to and any payment on payment as goods and services, make sure you don't give me a shipping address and that paypal knows I am not shipping you anything.
I only take two slots at a time. Don't send me payment before I ask. If I have not confirmed your slot and you send the downpayment to instead of goods and services, I thank you then for the lovely tip, but it doesn't count, so please, if you don't want me to treat it as a tip... don't send it to my I will be reasonable if it's a mistake or a typo, but if you blatantly ignore my rules don't expect me to be lenient.
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Domestic cat
Favorite Music
everything Just about
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Scott Pilgrim Vs the World, Howl's Moving Castle
Favorite Games
Mas Effect and Dragon Age!
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Favorite Animals
Ravens, Big cats and hyenas!
Favorite Site
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Favorite Quote
"when going through hell, keep going"
Contact Information
