Views: 7975
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Favs: 316

Yeen Connoisseur | Registered: Apr 19, 2016 09:12
This is a group for all the hyenas of FurAffinity. if you're a spotted hyena, striped hyena, brown hyena, aardwolf, or even a hybrid of a hyena, this is the group dedicated to you!
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if you are an artist or have art of your character that you don't mind being on this groups gallery: comment, note, or shout! all submissions credit the original artists and link to the original submission!
link this page on your profile ID using :hyenas_of_faicon*: (no asterisk) and help this page grow!
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Comments Earned: 286
Comments Made: 117
Journals: 16
Comments Made: 117
Journals: 16
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Member List (updated 8/29/24)
9 years ago
Spotted Hyenas
deermary , Queenhyena , KDNightstar , ZombiiCandy , YenaQueen , starbound , hopeful-hyena , damian_brynn , skylar123423 , Kitana_Lexx , Tealie , 450AngelDragons , hyenameister , Sinoh , gameslayer013 , nopolopolous , Cayleth , MD-Luffy , KitteyM16 , Kine_De_Wande , M0dMonster , Spotty. , AkeraBloodwolf , rhaenjarr , RiotHyena , ChomperBee , Ivy-The-Wiger , shilohwiththespots , AtomicSplash , lain , Flitt , kura , Zerak , Homicidal-Hobbit , PremiumHarmony , utani , xclaricesnowpawx , JaxonTheHyena , Vile_Nihil , NixxenVixxen , Kai_Yeena , Teh , Dederd , PeanutB , Kihyen , kani_hyena , Menzo , -Hoss- , Mlice , Zooey , SabotageSaber , Xeltoor , mistyfoe , Girlyhyena , HyenaBite , Drexel97 , CalyxHyena , Pyropie , jokecharacter , NobleHyena , mjsty , Zephias , dogculture2001 , Cpt.Maverick , Yeenr , ToxicXPulse , Vlanyreth , G-Hyena , Taze_Hyena , Altraxx , Yuki_Suka-fu , CrimsonMuse , CacklePop , Ezukapizumu , Lief_The_Hyena , Jakar00 , AmputatedAndSpotted , hyenae , Aroniea , itisreallyhardtofindagoodname , verybadthings , greenkirell , Rasponov , dafoxboy , Laterne-Magica , ConorHyena , Mozza , GalacticalCat , MagnoHyenuz , m8tuna , ra-posa , katjaku , TeoTheBird , DesolateSoul , Black-Stallion , JayEdwardsTheThird , Woodsie13 , Dioto , UnDreemurr , Epicaricacy , Flame-Expression , Kileak , PandoranMama , Lenny-Fais , Adelulf , Shiga_the_Hyena , Black-Comet , Zared264 , 2ManyStripes , gatewaytotokyo , instinctual , ChenelleMonsterHyena , MochaHyena , Xuilla , chokedpuppy , Ditsiline , Mr.Cakenugget , mary-kimer , IllNovember , Kahaku , XenoCreations , yaneyeen , Fifso_Morgan , TheAbsolBraixen , ChaseTheHungryHyena , Crowcuta , danger_hyena , rudyEEN , toothpastethespottedhyena , cryptoftoast , StatHyena , hosier343 , C4theSlime , PeachiiYeen , Akariyeen , Ekon_Dikeledi , Hoohains , Sgt_Nico , thatguyAlundra , FenrirFolf , wilderanima , DredSpec , DamianJayston , SpectreHyena , kdc , XSWOONX , ToolMemeVail , Supernova24 , berzinsh , kinglykoopa , XanderHyena , AnarchyPxnks , YeensDomain , Jessie.Hyena1 , YPOROTYY , wushruw , chernorrie , Maveryk , ItsToxicChris , Swadpewel , sleepy-leo , Limebunny , Zeus_the_Yeen , yeenboywholikepaws , Hatari-Serengeti-Hyena , League_Tabby , JankHyena , Hatari-Serengeti-Hyena , Andemon666 , Hopiebean , Tigerwolf26 , MaxWolfe , Azarel666 , Crazyyeen , Jules932016 , kendrix , MyNameIsAnon , SaarkelleEliv , Lunarmoon21 , whines , OrbitoWolfy , Spottedhyenabr , gorhash , Scuzzyyy , viridiancrunch , CrimsonFlowers , B4JABETHYBLAST , deer_aiken , FrostyWolf_55 , kaidne , mantitaur , Neoma_Ireto , SmolVex , Pensive , NVX_Pollux , Nick_s0ck , BlakeWolfDarkBlades , Kayra_co11ie , TsarFox64 , Lady_Christy , bbgjk , kovakhyane , CandiHuskYeen , code0 , Tenkay , TeaDreamiX , meshpunk , ccaaaakkkeee , TitoAyahvo , Rusty05 , annadill , Lolla_Yeen , MossMutt , Zelendur
Striped Hyenas
varinki , kokomai , kline_mattersen , KenjiYangshigi , hyenafur , varinki , princepompadour , Kaizeh , kehei , kiyena , PiercingNightfall , YangParker , Ortaon , Yenza , Fire , Nefrette , furryboy24 , lilanon , PigMint , greenkirell , xaotherion , Schmootz , Mayor_Of_Lost_City , DancingWithCandy , StranaHyena , TheBratPup , ReoRoo , SnowPupCreations , Sir.Sergal , NemoYeen , Kibbles-art , tikiidoq , Cyborg-ninja , Woff , Lillolynx , Limebunny , EktoHunter , crazvik , Asier , marikjfoxx , Khayoz , FroggersHours , Zaneth_Wolfbane
Brown Hyenas
Kaeluxe , Mirexa , PigMint , biscuitsboy532 , Demivie
_CartoonLover_ , Flixard , Snazzywolf , Twitchytail , Hexter_yeenboi , MrShake
badweave , LoveMySoulToDeath , kamooi , cpthookjaw75 , thelildino , KaidasKingdom , DisneyMudkip , Jifi-Dawg , Ark--Bark , Yuuneechan801 , KyonKyon , Frisky-Lime , YenaQueen , Anthonylix09 , Taylee , Krooki , YuuYuuArt , YuuHyena801 , DarkRocket , Giraffa , PatentlySkunky , @Vincent97, Siin0x , Ikigai_Leaf , Poppy-246 , Makita_NPC , mrustok , Thunder-hound
deermary , Queenhyena , KDNightstar , ZombiiCandy , YenaQueen , starbound , hopeful-hyena , damian_brynn , skylar123423 , Kitana_Lexx , Tealie , 450AngelDragons , hyenameister , Sinoh , gameslayer013 , nopolopolous , Cayleth , MD-Luffy , KitteyM16 , Kine_De_Wande , M0dMonster , Spotty. , AkeraBloodwolf , rhaenjarr , RiotHyena , ChomperBee , Ivy-The-Wiger , shilohwiththespots , AtomicSplash , lain , Flitt , kura , Zerak , Homicidal-Hobbit , PremiumHarmony , utani , xclaricesnowpawx , JaxonTheHyena , Vile_Nihil , NixxenVixxen , Kai_Yeena , Teh , Dederd , PeanutB , Kihyen , kani_hyena , Menzo , -Hoss- , Mlice , Zooey , SabotageSaber , Xeltoor , mistyfoe , Girlyhyena , HyenaBite , Drexel97 , CalyxHyena , Pyropie , jokecharacter , NobleHyena , mjsty , Zephias , dogculture2001 , Cpt.Maverick , Yeenr , ToxicXPulse , Vlanyreth , G-Hyena , Taze_Hyena , Altraxx , Yuki_Suka-fu , CrimsonMuse , CacklePop , Ezukapizumu , Lief_The_Hyena , Jakar00 , AmputatedAndSpotted , hyenae , Aroniea , itisreallyhardtofindagoodname , verybadthings , greenkirell , Rasponov , dafoxboy , Laterne-Magica , ConorHyena , Mozza , GalacticalCat , MagnoHyenuz , m8tuna , ra-posa , katjaku , TeoTheBird , DesolateSoul , Black-Stallion , JayEdwardsTheThird , Woodsie13 , Dioto , UnDreemurr , Epicaricacy , Flame-Expression , Kileak , PandoranMama , Lenny-Fais , Adelulf , Shiga_the_Hyena , Black-Comet , Zared264 , 2ManyStripes , gatewaytotokyo , instinctual , ChenelleMonsterHyena , MochaHyena , Xuilla , chokedpuppy , Ditsiline , Mr.Cakenugget , mary-kimer , IllNovember , Kahaku , XenoCreations , yaneyeen , Fifso_Morgan , TheAbsolBraixen , ChaseTheHungryHyena , Crowcuta , danger_hyena , rudyEEN , toothpastethespottedhyena , cryptoftoast , StatHyena , hosier343 , C4theSlime , PeachiiYeen , Akariyeen , Ekon_Dikeledi , Hoohains , Sgt_Nico , thatguyAlundra , FenrirFolf , wilderanima , DredSpec , DamianJayston , SpectreHyena , kdc , XSWOONX , ToolMemeVail , Supernova24 , berzinsh , kinglykoopa , XanderHyena , AnarchyPxnks , YeensDomain , Jessie.Hyena1 , YPOROTYY , wushruw , chernorrie , Maveryk , ItsToxicChris , Swadpewel , sleepy-leo , Limebunny , Zeus_the_Yeen , yeenboywholikepaws , Hatari-Serengeti-Hyena , League_Tabby , JankHyena , Hatari-Serengeti-Hyena , Andemon666 , Hopiebean , Tigerwolf26 , MaxWolfe , Azarel666 , Crazyyeen , Jules932016 , kendrix , MyNameIsAnon , SaarkelleEliv , Lunarmoon21 , whines , OrbitoWolfy , Spottedhyenabr , gorhash , Scuzzyyy , viridiancrunch , CrimsonFlowers , B4JABETHYBLAST , deer_aiken , FrostyWolf_55 , kaidne , mantitaur , Neoma_Ireto , SmolVex , Pensive , NVX_Pollux , Nick_s0ck , BlakeWolfDarkBlades , Kayra_co11ie , TsarFox64 , Lady_Christy , bbgjk , kovakhyane , CandiHuskYeen , code0 , Tenkay , TeaDreamiX , meshpunk , ccaaaakkkeee , TitoAyahvo , Rusty05 , annadill , Lolla_Yeen , MossMutt , Zelendur
Striped Hyenas
varinki , kokomai , kline_mattersen , KenjiYangshigi , hyenafur , varinki , princepompadour , Kaizeh , kehei , kiyena , PiercingNightfall , YangParker , Ortaon , Yenza , Fire , Nefrette , furryboy24 , lilanon , PigMint , greenkirell , xaotherion , Schmootz , Mayor_Of_Lost_City , DancingWithCandy , StranaHyena , TheBratPup , ReoRoo , SnowPupCreations , Sir.Sergal , NemoYeen , Kibbles-art , tikiidoq , Cyborg-ninja , Woff , Lillolynx , Limebunny , EktoHunter , crazvik , Asier , marikjfoxx , Khayoz , FroggersHours , Zaneth_Wolfbane
Brown Hyenas
Kaeluxe , Mirexa , PigMint , biscuitsboy532 , Demivie
_CartoonLover_ , Flixard , Snazzywolf , Twitchytail , Hexter_yeenboi , MrShake
badweave , LoveMySoulToDeath , kamooi , cpthookjaw75 , thelildino , KaidasKingdom , DisneyMudkip , Jifi-Dawg , Ark--Bark , Yuuneechan801 , KyonKyon , Frisky-Lime , YenaQueen , Anthonylix09 , Taylee , Krooki , YuuYuuArt , YuuHyena801 , DarkRocket , Giraffa , PatentlySkunky , @Vincent97, Siin0x , Ikigai_Leaf , Poppy-246 , Makita_NPC , mrustok , Thunder-hound
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