Views: 12322
Submissions: 92
Favs: 3757

Registered: Jul 8, 2022 09:11
Hey all I love this side and good art. I wish everyone a great time.
I know i have some special fetishes, ideas and quirks. I am glad if you like my content. Feel free to DM me if you want.
I am open for ideas and many things. I am thinking to make more own Characters and a own fursona (dog) in the future. Ben is my first character. Ben was actually improvised and came about at a time when i had ideas for coms and hadn't thought about my own characters yet. That is the reason why his design is so simple and unimaginative. But over time he grew very fond of me and I decided to give him the name Ben and to regard him as my own character.
By the way:
I have often been judged and insulted for my quirks in the past. Please understand that this is the reason why I want to remain anonymous and make all payments so that I give the money for my coms to a good friend who i trust and he forwards the money to you.
If you like my gallery/ coms please support the amazing and great artists and owners of my coms. Watch and like their content and feel free to send the artists and owners a little tip.
Thank you so much for your gorgeous and great art and characters to my fav Artists and Owners:
Elbestia Salonkitty Phaulis Orka_the_Wolf Quillu ScarlaNya Rufciu Jaribka Malivaughn Kukan97 Marrionette Naantam Barbouille_Pierre Runapup Williamca Vector_Rain Ariozyn-Soulcatcher Spirix Armageddon1234 Jenklin Inkaaay DamienKamien Ashleyboi TripleX Nivhis DispersedWolf0949 Argeirr Yipsky RiverTheDog Aslinino ThatIrishFox TensaQt Tora_Higa Pastelpastel 4wrz Kitune SuperDuperDog Yipsky Nava TheLegend4510 Verta DefasaEinair Fatty_Pryanik_NSFW Scottificus AmmyFluff Koldi Nirai FoxArvid Ponjara SidianHorn Wasen ChestnutLuna ScarlaNya Morrigan_The_Marwari Jelomaus
Trioami260 Clem_the_Wolf Rooc Purrchinyan Fenriswolfii Fuzzikayu GhosteKey Saren-Vorterin DamienKamien Akukun Unbreakable-Warrior Dorosheva-E Armomen Lyvexia NorthShepherd SabretoothedErmine Dralwalf Pirk Apple-Dragon Whisperer MuskyDusky larovin Furrywolfnate Zhulya Carpetwurm Fenn.Perrox Tiquana Adaa Sapphix NinaFoxxo
LavaMouse Faolanwolfsavor Vonark SylveonIRL Sadie. DalmatianNadine Huskii-s SketchyShelby MischievousMonica Darkfox49 T987-A5256-B85-ZRR Miriizah DeltaBlackk VicJohansen King-Chimera Virtyalfobo Feralwings Blackjack5130 Boarteeth Wwer Trashy_panda Byser Rick149 DrunksDragon CoolWhipRenegade Daren476 Slapstick70 (...)
I know i have some special fetishes, ideas and quirks. I am glad if you like my content. Feel free to DM me if you want.
I am open for ideas and many things. I am thinking to make more own Characters and a own fursona (dog) in the future. Ben is my first character. Ben was actually improvised and came about at a time when i had ideas for coms and hadn't thought about my own characters yet. That is the reason why his design is so simple and unimaginative. But over time he grew very fond of me and I decided to give him the name Ben and to regard him as my own character.
By the way:
I have often been judged and insulted for my quirks in the past. Please understand that this is the reason why I want to remain anonymous and make all payments so that I give the money for my coms to a good friend who i trust and he forwards the money to you.
If you like my gallery/ coms please support the amazing and great artists and owners of my coms. Watch and like their content and feel free to send the artists and owners a little tip.
Thank you so much for your gorgeous and great art and characters to my fav Artists and Owners:

Trioami260 Clem_the_Wolf Rooc Purrchinyan Fenriswolfii Fuzzikayu GhosteKey Saren-Vorterin DamienKamien Akukun Unbreakable-Warrior Dorosheva-E Armomen Lyvexia NorthShepherd SabretoothedErmine Dralwalf Pirk Apple-Dragon Whisperer MuskyDusky larovin Furrywolfnate Zhulya Carpetwurm Fenn.Perrox Tiquana Adaa Sapphix NinaFoxxo
LavaMouse Faolanwolfsavor Vonark SylveonIRL Sadie. DalmatianNadine Huskii-s SketchyShelby MischievousMonica Darkfox49 T987-A5256-B85-ZRR Miriizah DeltaBlackk VicJohansen King-Chimera Virtyalfobo Feralwings Blackjack5130 Boarteeth Wwer Trashy_panda Byser Rick149 DrunksDragon CoolWhipRenegade Daren476 Slapstick70 (...)
Comments Earned: 1310
Comments Made: 4552
Journals: 1
Comments Made: 4552
Journals: 1
Recent Journal
5 months ago
Hey everyone. I hope all of you are fine.
Short question. I am searching people for making RP. if anyone would be interested in makeing RP with me would be really nice. It can be very kinky ;)
Short question. I am searching people for making RP. if anyone would be interested in makeing RP with me would be really nice. It can be very kinky ;)
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Dobie (Leon)
Favorite Music
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Van Helsing, Wolf´s Rain, Ginga Densetsu Weed and GNG and got so many
Favorite Games
Stronghold, IL-2, DCS, TES, Bloodborne, Resident Evil, DS, ...
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Favorite Animals
I love Canines but i think dogs ;), Dragongs are animals lol
Favorite Site
FA and YT
Favorite Foods & Drinks
All what comes from my girlfriend <3 <3 <3
Contact Information

You are free to hug me anytime <3