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Art Whore | Registered: Feb 10, 2010 09:24
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MFF con thingy
8 years agoGENERAL
What day are you getting there?
Thursday, December 1st early in the morning
How are you traveling?
Driving my car! will be a long trip leaving from Fargo Wednesday night
Where are you staying?
With my mate

Who will you be rooming with?
look up above
Are you taken?
yes by

How long are you going?
driving there Wednesday and leaving Monday
What is your gender?
How tall are you?
5'9" but in suit who knows
Can I talk to you?
OFCORSE! poke me on twitter kolfy666 or telegram kolfy
Can I touch, hug, or snuggle you?
sure either in or out of suit, but best talk with me first for snuggles
im always wanting to get more
Will you be fursuiting?
yes i will be. it will be the debute of my suit
Where will you be most of the time during the day/s?
hopefully suiting and at panels
What is the best way to find you?
msg me on telegram
If I see you, how should I get your attention?
wave at me, say my name, stuff of that sort
Are there any panels you might be attending?
Pepper Cyotes shows and who's lion are the main ones i plan on attending
Will you be going to parties?
if i get invited, i would love to go to them
Will you be performing?
does suiting count?
What/where will you be eating?
all the food! i like going out to places.
Can I come with you for food/fun/etc?
Sure! invite me, im pretty free most of the time and have very loose plans on what im doing at cons
Can I visit your room?
maybe. its not in the main hotel and dont know when the roommates might want to use the room for things as well
Can I buy you drinks?
ofcorse, i wont turn down a drink, ild want to repay you if you do in some way.
Can I give you stuff?
*blushes* sure. i dont expect it but that would be suprisingly wonderful
Can I take your picture?
Please do! i want lots of pics taken of me and my suit.
What are your goals for the con this year?
suit as much as i can, and meet old friends and make lots of new friends
User Profile
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No Character Species
blue kolfy with purple markings
Favorite Music
Every kind except country
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Hmmmm hard choice. Bout any Tim Burton film or Advent Children
Favorite Games
Final Fantasy series, left for dead1 and 2, and monster hunter series
Favorite Gaming Platforms
All games. ^.^ it makes the world go round
Favorite Animals
Wolves,Ottsunes, foxes,jackals,cats,otters and dogs mainly, like my husky<3
Favorite Site
Favorite Quote
For the last time, dont yiff on the couch WITHOUT ME!!! X3
Favorite Artists
TaniDaReal and a few others.
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