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Writer | Registered: May 2, 2008 10:47
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Check out my cohost and/or Mastodon!
a year ago
I hate the fact that Elon killed twitter so hard, and FA admins are such idiots that I have to upload everything to 5 different sites to get noticed.
Anyways, please check out my cohost:
And/or my Mastodon:
All my art has been uploaded to one or both of those, and yes I did purposefully use my index link on cohost (which is being updated as we speak for non-miniature things) so you could easily find my stuff without having to scroll back through dozens of posts.
Anyways, please check out my cohost:
And/or my Mastodon:
All my art has been uploaded to one or both of those, and yes I did purposefully use my index link on cohost (which is being updated as we speak for non-miniature things) so you could easily find my stuff without having to scroll back through dozens of posts.
