Views: 42335
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Monarch my Beloved | Registered: Apr 27, 2019 10:28
Heya! I'm Narga/Atlas, I'm a big dumb idiot who loves transformation and gooey stuff!
She/Her pref. call me whichever tho I don't mind lol
NOTE: Don't note me asking to get art! I only prefer getting art with friends of mine!
Seeking to be my friend as well just to get art is, just a little odd I will add <v<
She/Her pref. call me whichever tho I don't mind lol
NOTE: Don't note me asking to get art! I only prefer getting art with friends of mine!
Seeking to be my friend as well just to get art is, just a little odd I will add <v<
Comments Earned: 705
Comments Made: 996
Journals: 4
Comments Made: 996
Journals: 4
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hey just like a heads up
a year ago
Not sure if this guys a scammer or just, someone whos weird but this dude
DanceBerry guessed my discord username and after being kinda weird tried offering writing a story for me
From the looks of it dudes been sending friend requests to a lot of people so just a heads up if they offer you a story. No idea if its legit but they blocked me right after I told them to check my gallery and said I wasn't really interested

From the looks of it dudes been sending friend requests to a lot of people so just a heads up if they offer you a story. No idea if its legit but they blocked me right after I told them to check my gallery and said I wasn't really interested