Views: 47446
Submissions: 736
Favs: 12041

Writer | Registered: Oct 9, 2006 11:33
In the worlds before Zuki, primal chaos reigned. Heaven sought order. But the phoenix can fly only when its feathers are grown. The four worlds formed again and yet again, as endless aeons wheeled and passed. Time and the pure essences of Heaven, the moisture of the Earth, the powers of the Sun and the Moon all worked upon a certain rock, old as creation. And it became magically fertile. That first egg was named "Thought". Tathagata Buddha, the Father Buddha, said, "With our thoughts, we make the World". Elemental forces caused the egg to hatch. From it then came a stone Zuki. The nature of Zuki was irrepressible!
Weasyl :
discordianfurs You pentabarf on me, I smash your face in. Fnord.
ukfurs A resident of this septic isle!
monstersoffa Su Casa me Stompa
gore-furries Moar Blood! Moar Blood!
gargoyles Permanently Stoned
Opossums-of-Fa Part time East End Gangster Zombie Possum
A list of the current commissions I am awaiting completion, for my own reference more than anything
matted-jack Zuki Zulu pic (paid) 2011
Weasyl :

A list of the current commissions I am awaiting completion, for my own reference more than anything

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Comments Earned: 9970
Comments Made: 9799
Journals: 149
Comments Made: 9799
Journals: 149
Recent Journal
Eurofurence Bound!
9 years agoI am off to Berlin (Germany not Wisconsin) for the annual teutonic fuzzfest that is Eurofurence - arriving in the fair non-wisconsin Berlin on sunday and enjoying the delights of the city before getting to the con hotel on the wednesday.
Look forward to seeing folks there, performing post apocalyptic games (I will be running Apocalypse World there weds night) and generally enjoying the company of fuzzies.
I will be taking Pazuzu and Toony Zuki with me and perhaps Sykes as I promised Breynes I would do some photos with her.
Other than that no plans, I need it be a fairly relaxed con to wind down after alot of work stress, so will not be partying too hard.
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Industrial, Anti-Folk, Electro
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Dungeon World, D&D, Skyrim
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Aye Aye
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Mexican, Indian
Favorite Quote
He who makes a beast of himself, gives up the pain of being a man.
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