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Writer | Registered: Feb 14, 2012 09:51
Moved account!~

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Moving Account!
6 months ago
Something has happened in Kai's cannon that's Permanent!
Kelly. Kellyvix is going to be the main fursona for me going forward!
Reason being Kai has gotten herself Perma'ed by getting turned into
BeatheBehemoth 's Holly's paws! So what's going to happen is i'm still going to have my characters but kai being perma'ed the account's going to have that artwork on it and i'll shift everything over to Kellyvix moving forward! It's been a change i've wanted to do for a while.
Hope to see you all on the new account! I know i've not been active for as much as i'd like. But I have gotten some new adopts, new characters and ideas to carry Kelly forward and all the characters that'll show up there~ I'm gonna do some account cleaning on here and post up the Absorption picture permanently, perma'ing Kai~ It's something the silly skunk wanted the most and she Got everything she wanted!~ as you'll see in the art i'm going to leave up.
now this isn't entirely the end of Kai~ She's fully aware and sentient as those paws! Her adventures and things she deals with as them will be fun writing excercises for me to re visit from time to time to check in on her and how she's doing~ Something i'm going to enjoy writing quite a bit in the near future. Fun thing with kai being paws she's quite dexterious. she can still see from her perspective and is dexterous enough to use her phone so maybe that's how she's even typed this all out aaha~
Kelly. Kellyvix is going to be the main fursona for me going forward!

Reason being Kai has gotten herself Perma'ed by getting turned into

Hope to see you all on the new account! I know i've not been active for as much as i'd like. But I have gotten some new adopts, new characters and ideas to carry Kelly forward and all the characters that'll show up there~ I'm gonna do some account cleaning on here and post up the Absorption picture permanently, perma'ing Kai~ It's something the silly skunk wanted the most and she Got everything she wanted!~ as you'll see in the art i'm going to leave up.
now this isn't entirely the end of Kai~ She's fully aware and sentient as those paws! Her adventures and things she deals with as them will be fun writing excercises for me to re visit from time to time to check in on her and how she's doing~ Something i'm going to enjoy writing quite a bit in the near future. Fun thing with kai being paws she's quite dexterious. she can still see from her perspective and is dexterous enough to use her phone so maybe that's how she's even typed this all out aaha~
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