Views: 2645
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Favs: 24

Digital Artist | Registered: Nov 3, 2018 10:01
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Comments Earned: 132
Comments Made: 344
Journals: 1
Comments Made: 344
Journals: 1
Recent Journal
Why my Gallery is now empty
2 years ago
Why? Well its cause I'm taking precaution cause of the new policy apparently, which is kinda dumb but I obviously can't do anything about it… :T
Will this place ever be somewhere I can post my art when I finally get to that point still… honestly I don't even know at this point cause I wouldn't be sure nor would I want to run the risk of being flagged due to the policy… so what then? I guess I might just move to InkBunny since they seem so much less restrictive on stuff ~w~"
I ain't deleting this account tho! I'm keeping my FA account just incase things change or if for those I follow still making art on here, so I'll still be about favoriting art that I like :3
Will this place ever be somewhere I can post my art when I finally get to that point still… honestly I don't even know at this point cause I wouldn't be sure nor would I want to run the risk of being flagged due to the policy… so what then? I guess I might just move to InkBunny since they seem so much less restrictive on stuff ~w~"
I ain't deleting this account tho! I'm keeping my FA account just incase things change or if for those I follow still making art on here, so I'll still be about favoriting art that I like :3
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Favorite Games
Pokemon, Borderlands series, Dark Souls 3
Favorite Gaming Platforms
PS4, Nintendo Switch
Favorite Animals
Pikachu, Shinx/Luxio, Lucario, Lycanroc, Absol, Growlithe; Dragons, Canines, Felines, Kitsunes, etc. :3
Favorite Site
YouTube, FA, IB, Steam
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