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Watcher | Registered: Nov 3, 2009 05:17
...well, I love furry art, I simply adore it, I just can't get enough of it... *drools* :3 ...'nuff said :))
I tend to go o.t.t. very quickly when I'm excited ^^ ... but in any case I am not -quite- the creepy freak I might come across as - ...possibly^^... XD ;P
member of: *
* fursona: goes by the name of Chrys, a mouseboy-hybrid (cub)... he is NOT (!) a grey house mouse (mus musculus), but the cute, brown wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus; he has nice, not quite round ears; large eyes (brown); an elegant, not too long tail... strands of brown hair fall rather unruly over his brow... his fur's beechnutbrown (appears lighter in summer) - on the belly he's offwhite... characterwise he's, erm - rather uke *cough* ... his endowement: just normal (cute lil' boybits! - with ample room for enlargement in the right situation!^^)... he's cub/teenage (ideally around 12-ish but definitely max. 15 or under)[can morph up to 19yrs of age but doesn't do it often]... furthermore, as a hybrid, he can morph into either a human or a mouse - unfortunately, never absolutely completely!^^... there's always something which isn't quite right: be it a very visible thing like mouse-ears in his human form or just a bit of cuddly fur where there should only be hairs at most... (or vice versa^^)... he is very playful and outgoing - and he has a slight lisp^^...
...Chris is currently proud pet of: [I am free - currently^^]
...I've have two more OCs (they are more or less an item - but open for anything on the side^^)...
...well, there's: Elias (Elijah) - a cute, grey, cheeky lil' male donkey... he has grey fur (not leaden coloured - more tin/zinky, really); has a black, shortish donkey-mane, some strands of which fall slightly into his face... long (not too much!), shapely ears; a cute & cheeky & inquisitive countenance (yes, all three at once)... he really likes to grin, raise eyebrows and generally grimace (he's a silly little dearie)... he's endowed as donkeys just are (but normal for a donkey^^)... age: 16... characterwise versatile, leaning slightly (!) towards uke...
...his mate and best friend: Barnaby 'Snuffy' Badger: a laid-back, cool-cat of a badger... now, he is NOT an American but an European badger ! (they have different fur) - here's a link in German but with the right type of badger pics:; he's a badger with an attitude: cool, laid-back, a bit cheeky (tending towards sarcasm and acidic wit - that sort of thing); likes to show a white, sharp tooth or two while grinning (not the full-frontal grin but the crooked type if you know what I mean)... age: 17... characterwise versatile, leaning slightly (!) towards seme......
...avatar: my mouseboy-fursona, Chrys; artwork:
I tend to go o.t.t. very quickly when I'm excited ^^ ... but in any case I am not -quite- the creepy freak I might come across as - ...possibly^^... XD ;P
member of: * fursona: goes by the name of Chrys, a mouseboy-hybrid (cub)... he is NOT (!) a grey house mouse (mus musculus), but the cute, brown wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus; he has nice, not quite round ears; large eyes (brown); an elegant, not too long tail... strands of brown hair fall rather unruly over his brow... his fur's beechnutbrown (appears lighter in summer) - on the belly he's offwhite... characterwise he's, erm - rather uke *cough* ... his endowement: just normal (cute lil' boybits! - with ample room for enlargement in the right situation!^^)... he's cub/teenage (ideally around 12-ish but definitely max. 15 or under)[can morph up to 19yrs of age but doesn't do it often]... furthermore, as a hybrid, he can morph into either a human or a mouse - unfortunately, never absolutely completely!^^... there's always something which isn't quite right: be it a very visible thing like mouse-ears in his human form or just a bit of cuddly fur where there should only be hairs at most... (or vice versa^^)... he is very playful and outgoing - and he has a slight lisp^^...
...Chris is currently proud pet of: [I am free - currently^^]
...I've have two more OCs (they are more or less an item - but open for anything on the side^^)...
...well, there's: Elias (Elijah) - a cute, grey, cheeky lil' male donkey... he has grey fur (not leaden coloured - more tin/zinky, really); has a black, shortish donkey-mane, some strands of which fall slightly into his face... long (not too much!), shapely ears; a cute & cheeky & inquisitive countenance (yes, all three at once)... he really likes to grin, raise eyebrows and generally grimace (he's a silly little dearie)... he's endowed as donkeys just are (but normal for a donkey^^)... age: 16... characterwise versatile, leaning slightly (!) towards uke...
...his mate and best friend: Barnaby 'Snuffy' Badger: a laid-back, cool-cat of a badger... now, he is NOT an American but an European badger ! (they have different fur) - here's a link in German but with the right type of badger pics:; he's a badger with an attitude: cool, laid-back, a bit cheeky (tending towards sarcasm and acidic wit - that sort of thing); likes to show a white, sharp tooth or two while grinning (not the full-frontal grin but the crooked type if you know what I mean)... age: 17... characterwise versatile, leaning slightly (!) towards seme......
...avatar: my mouseboy-fursona, Chrys; artwork:

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Happy New Year
14 years ago
well, yeh - Happy New Year to you all ! ^w^ ~♥
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Satyricon (Fellini), Maurice, Ghandi
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CaesarIII, Diablo (yes, they're old - so?!)
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mice, rats, foxes, donkeys, dogs, cats, badgers
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FA Y!G DA (in that order - at the mo')
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Indian, Sushi, Haggis
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...curiosity was framed - stupidity killed the cat!...
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Caravaggio, Jan Preisler, Henry Scott Tuke
