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Photographer | Registered: May 29, 2007 11:38
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A message from Pauline Hardaman to Jim's fans.
10 years agoHowdy
Jim's mother Pauline ask me to post this on my site as she cannot access Jim's FA Account.
Jim Hardiman - Skunkworks
May 30, 2015
This is an open letter to the Fans of the artist, Jim Hardiman,
I am Jim Hardiman’s mom, Pauline Hardiman. Some of you may have met me at one of the earlier Confurences in 1995 – 1997. It has now been 9 months since Jim’s death. Before Jim died he told me about the plans for a Skunkworks Graphic Novel that he was working on with Jason Canty of Angry Viking Press. He asked me to contact Jason after his death and work with him to make this happen. I promised Jim I would do this for him.
My youngest son, Jonathan (Jim’s brother) and I had a face to face meeting with Jason Canty in November 2014. I have had a difficult time since losing my son but I made him a promise so I will keep that promise. Together with Jonathan, we are working to make “Shunkworks The Graphic Novel” become a reality. I have already scanned and sent over 100 images to Jason.
I want Jim’s fans to know we hope to have everything scanned and sent to Jason within the next month if not sooner. Jim’s art was a part of who he was and his art will live on forever.
I thank you for your patience. I know Jim always had his own time frame and that was just who he was. Jonathan and I will get everything to Jason so he can get this production started and completed so you can all enjoy my Jim’s art and his fabulous sense of humor that I miss so very much.
Please check Jason's Kickstarter, and tumblr for future updates"
Pauline E. Hardiman
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