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Writer(kinda) | Registered: Feb 14, 2010 11:11

Real name: Lucien Harann Aylen
Status: Taken
Ethnicity: Irish, Native american (Seminole, Blackfoot, And Cheokee), Austrian German
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bisexual (depends on my mood for what I crave in gender))
Birthday: March 7, 1990
Dream from childhood: To build my mother an awesome home somewhere nice and warm and to own my own bakery and spa
Fetishes I enjoy- Lactation, Pregnancy, Chubbiness (healthy), Proportionate, Creativity, Dominate and submissive females and males ((to a point)), Love and compassion. fitness, feral play ((Wishing to find decent players, add me on skype and kink me your page.)). Male but I have my preferences. Size difference ((moderate or realistic like for example IRL I'm 6'1 and kinda think about it from there.) Exhibitionism ((New, ask)) and Transformation((New)). Food play. Hands on.
Real life profession: Baker (Working in As a sales floor asscoate at target). So feel free if you have a question about some baked good or something drop a note or even add me on Skype(My most used Im) for said question or if your in the same profession feel free to talk shop with me. I love learning and comparing notes.
Contact me at any time over FA or Skype((Which I use the most)). I'm always willing to talk about anything, well almost anything or roleplay. Don't Worry I don't bite unless your into that sort of thing then as long as you ask I won't bite hard.
And If someone would like an art trade, i can't draw but I sure we could figure out something. I love art as much as i love cake and I LOVE cake. So i'm almost willing to do anything, almost anything for art. So hit me up with a Note or skype. If you added me on skype or steam tell me where you added me from and a link to your page, Please and thank you.Also for those who like or love to play Magic the gathering, feel free to MSG me on Skype or any of my other lovely IMs if you want to play, I love to play for fun.Also To warn you, I do kinda scope threw people's art and watch artists and people who get art if i see that that do good art or interesting art i will watch them and maybe try to talk to you and same thing with say the art "whores" I will even comment.
[Put this on your page if you role-play]
Love No Matter Who You Find It In
♂ + ♂ = ♥
♀ + ♀ = ♥
♀ + ♂ = ♥
Put this on your channel if you agree.

Awesomely close friends:



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Comments Made: 1650
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Comments Made: 1650
Journals: 159
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For the viewers who watch my page or the pages who i watch
9 years ago
Sorry i donn't thank you for watches or don't respond to your thank yous but I appreciate you watching me and also I appreciate allowing me to watch you. Keep it up for those who allow me to watch them. And tank you to those who watch me for I try my best to make the art I commission, interesting. I would love to here your opinions as well as what piece you like as well as who would you like to be drawn more, maybe it might happen.
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Kuvazs and long horned owl
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Not country
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Fearless and enter the dragon
Favorite Games
Last remnant and Fight night
Favorite Gaming Platforms
PC and Ps4
Favorite Animals
certain types of reptiles and yes dragons you count in my book, most of the Canine family but i love me some Corgi, Sergals-Nuff said, avians- you ...
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F-list and Youtube and Crunchyroll
Favorite Foods & Drinks
feed it to me and I'll tell you if I like it.
Favorite Quote
Take what you can give, not what you can't give
Favorite Artists
Just ask
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