Views: 35516
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Digital Artist | Registered: Aug 11, 2009 05:25
I'm tired of everything ending in 'fur' so I made and account with an icon advertising being a female without implying 'furry'.
Add : iconfemale : or : femaleicon: without the spaces to your profile if you would like to display you're a girl type person. :3 avie by this person. :D Found it browsing, it's gorgeous.^^
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* Randomly and spontaneously transforms at unexpected and inopportune moments for reasons that he doesn't care to elaborate upon
* Often seems to e...
Dislikes: Alcohol, Cigarettes, Drug, Cheating, Intimidation, & Fighting
Favorite Game: Need for speed run
Favorite Game Platform: Xbox 360, GameCube, Nintendo 3ds, wii, wiiu, Nintendo ds, Nintendo switch
Favorite Animal: Wolf, Dog, Fox
Favorite Food: chicken Wings
1. Don't Harass Me
2. Don't Hate me
3. Don't Steal My Arts
4. Don't Ask me for Free Arts/Request(because i will no longer do request anymore!)
5. Don't ask me to Deleted My Channel
6. Don't Rude Comments
7. Don't Trace My Drawings
8. Don'...