Views: 7856
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Lost in the carpet | Registered: Aug 27, 2015 03:39
Comments Earned: 566
Comments Made: 593
Journals: 1
Comments Made: 593
Journals: 1
Recent Journal
Thank you
5 months ago
It has been around half a year since I started uploading content to the site. After being a lurker for so long, hiding with the dust bunnies.
My original mission was to give back to the community that provided content I so very much enjoyed. Never did this little mouse expect to receive such positive attention.
So I say, for the new friends I have made here and on Discord, for those that continue to make wonderful content and to the people who leave such lovely comments on all the weird pixelated things I upload. I would like to Thank you all for being so welcoming.
My original mission was to give back to the community that provided content I so very much enjoyed. Never did this little mouse expect to receive such positive attention.
So I say, for the new friends I have made here and on Discord, for those that continue to make wonderful content and to the people who leave such lovely comments on all the weird pixelated things I upload. I would like to Thank you all for being so welcoming.