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Watcher | Registered: Oct 6, 2012 09:39
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There is no truth in flesh, only Betrayal. There is no strength in flesh, only weakness. There is no constancy in flesh, only decay. There is no certainty in flesh, but death.
Politics, How tiresome, Seems to be an ever increasing problem on FA and god help you if you disagree on anything.

There is no truth in flesh, only Betrayal. There is no strength in flesh, only weakness. There is no constancy in flesh, only decay. There is no certainty in flesh, but death.
Politics, How tiresome, Seems to be an ever increasing problem on FA and god help you if you disagree on anything.
Comments Earned: 4435
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Comments Made: 9122
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Some art that i am in but feel is wrong to post directly
5 years ago
So having finished posting the majority of art i have up to this point, there is bound to be a couple ive missed. There is some i have commissioned or appeared in that have dissapeard due to various reasons. which is too bad. But here are some of the ones i feel i cant really post directly... mostly due to history and the fact im pretty sure the people who did them or who they were purchased by are no longer on speaking terms with me and will likely never be again. they still hold value to me though now they are more of a meloncholic reminder that ive probably fucked up pretty good somewhere somehow for at least one while the others are just... my mistakes. this was a surprise gift from the individual on the throne known as muric. muric is the only individual i had the pleasure of meeting yet who i swear if he told me to sit in public i would have. I dont know what i had done but at one point... he stopped talking to me just out of nowhere... whatever i did to fuck up must be pretty bad... i can just say in the long run what time i did spend with him was valuable to me, and this piece get to be the eternal testement to the all too short time i got to enjoy. i hope i find someone one day who can give me that same feeling that i trust them so completely with nothing to fear despite potential embaressment. though with the way my life has gone since those days i suspect it will never be a reality... even so much as finding one person to love as a mate for the remainder of my life on this earth is likely to be a task i will never complete. the best i could hope for is a long distance one and even then i doubt that will happen. Go show niv100 the appreciation he deserves for working on that piece. he did a good job. and are by the same person... i knew them as rhea.... my relationship with her going sour is probably my fault more than anything. and i dont see it being fixable now or ever. what gentle mother like love i did get from her was short lived and now im just glad to see she has gotten so amazeingly good at drawing that i feel she is almost underselling her skill. honestly itd jump at the chance to commission her if i wasnt so certain shed refuse it or just ignore it from me.... go favorite her works too, for somone whose had a rough life, she deserves the favorites and the traffic. she really does. this was a surprise gift from the individual on the throne known as muric. muric is the only individual i had the pleasure of meeting yet who i swear if he told me to sit in public i would have. I dont know what i had done but at one point... he stopped talking to me just out of nowhere... whatever i did to fuck up must be pretty bad... i can just say in the long run what time i did spend with him was valuable to me, and this piece get to be the eternal testement to the all too short time i got to enjoy. i hope i find someone one day who can give me that same feeling that i trust them so completely with nothing to fear despite potential embaressment. though with the way my life has gone since those days i suspect it will never be a reality... even so much as finding one person to love as a mate for the remainder of my life on this earth is likely to be a task i will never complete. the best i could hope for is a long distance one and even then i doubt that will happen. Go show niv100 the appreciation he deserves for working on that piece. he did a good job. and are by the same person... i knew them as rhea.... my relationship with her going sour is probably my fault more than anything. and i dont see it being fixable now or ever. what gentle mother like love i did get from her was short lived and now im just glad to see she has gotten so amazeingly good at drawing that i feel she is almost underselling her skill. honestly itd jump at the chance to commission her if i wasnt so certain shed refuse it or just ignore it from me.... go favorite her works too, for somone whose had a rough life, she deserves the favorites and the traffic. she really does.
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Only in death does duty end.