Views: 26941
Submissions: 74
Favs: 736

Writer | Registered: Nov 3, 2010 05:16
[Put this on your page if you role-play]
I'm a guy who loves to RP a lot and likes ecchi and other stuff, though if you wanna RP, shoot me a note and we'll discuss it. I also like doing anime-based rps too.
╔═╦╗╔═╦═╦╦═╗ Put this in you
║╬║╚╣║║║║║╩╣ profile if you
╚╩╩═╩═╩╩═╩═╝ are alone...
My FA family:
My FA brothers:
riley-ironstand ,
demon87 ,
ice-jj and
c-dre as well as
FA friends:
Things i do not RP: Vore, Rape (of any kind...ok of all Kinds) Murder, Yandere, Scat, Cub, torture
Things i DO RP: Expansion (Breast, butt, anything), sex, transformation, Adventure, game-based RPs, story rps. anime based rps
Also, been working on a fanfic called Team Terraforce, its basically a massive crossover between Ben 10, Ratchet and Clank and a bunch of stuff i can throw in, anyone want to read it, here's the link:
eave a review if you want
[Put this on your page if you role-play]
I'm a guy who loves to RP a lot and likes ecchi and other stuff, though if you wanna RP, shoot me a note and we'll discuss it. I also like doing anime-based rps too.
╔═╦╗╔═╦═╦╦═╗ Put this in you
║╬║╚╣║║║║║╩╣ profile if you
╚╩╩═╩═╩╩═╩═╝ are alone...
My FA family:
My FA brothers:

FA friends:

Things i do not RP: Vore, Rape (of any kind...ok of all Kinds) Murder, Yandere, Scat, Cub, torture
Things i DO RP: Expansion (Breast, butt, anything), sex, transformation, Adventure, game-based RPs, story rps. anime based rps
Also, been working on a fanfic called Team Terraforce, its basically a massive crossover between Ben 10, Ratchet and Clank and a bunch of stuff i can throw in, anyone want to read it, here's the link:
eave a review if you want
Comments Earned: 32188
Comments Made: 119766
Journals: 167
Comments Made: 119766
Journals: 167
Recent Journal
Merry christmas
2 months ago
Figured it's that time of year so I might as well get the obligatory journel out of the way.
Merry christmas and I hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday with friends and loved ones
Merry christmas and I hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday with friends and loved ones
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Favorite Games
i got a lot of games, too many to list ^^;
Favorite Gaming Platforms
a lot let's put it at that ^^;
Favorite Animals
Dragons, wolf, foxes, dogs
Favorite Site
Youtube, Fanfiction, DeviantArt
Contact Information

Thanks for your time! ^w^ <3