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Writer of Realities | Registered: Feb 10, 2008 02:14
Hello, everyone, and welcome to my library. My name is Draconicon, and if you’re in the mood for written porn or erotica – and a smaller collection of actual plotted out stories – this is the place for you. Considering how many different settings, characters, kinks, and themes I’ve written on in the past, I’m sure that there’s something here for you to enjoy.
For those that already know this, a link to my Terms of Services:
For those needing an update or some basics, here’s some FAQs.
Who are you?
Glad you asked. I’m Draconicon, Drac to my friends, and I’m basically a full-time writer here. I do some work on patreon on the side, but most of my income comes through commissions from people here and on other websites. The gallery that you see here is pretty much all commission-based, stuff I’ve written for others, so if you’re wondering why there’s so much different stuff, that’s why.
I’m a bit of a nerd, very fond of D&D and RPGs, a reader as often as I can be, and a part-time traveler during the summer. Also, oversexual in a lot of ways, so if you’re somehow on this page and not signed in, that’s why you’re not going to see much.
Now, the gallery’s huge, but it’s still growing, recently at the rate of about 20 stories a week. You want to be part of that? You want something for yourself? Keep reading.
Do you do requests?
What about gifts?
VERY rarely, and usually for friends I’ve known for years.
Okay, um, what do you have that’s cheap?
That, I can help you with.
I run themed streams twice a week, focused on different kinks, fetishes, universes, or locations. If you want to get a shorter story (these are limited to 3 pages), these would be the things to show up to. It’s a good way to find out if you like my writing for you or not. Keep an eye out every Wednesday and Sunday.
I was kind of hoping for something longer. What can you do for that?
I believe I’m one of the more low-priced authors around for something of extended length, so, let’s go over your options.
3, 6, or 9 pages: These stories are the most basic you can get. Either a three page, six page, or nine page story, suitable for quick one-shots that don’t need to cover much, don’t have much plot, and just focus on porn. Yes, it needs to be a multiple of three. Cost: $25, $50, $70, depending on page count
10 pages: A longer story for a stand-alone piece of work, but with plenty of space for character dev alongside some porn. Cost: $75
Miniseries: Purchased at a minimum of 2 10-page chapters, these give plenty of space for a long, expanded story and plenty of kink development. As a result of the greater number of chapters, there’s a discount per-chapter. Cost: $65/chapter
Private Streams: Basically, this is one of the weekly streams given exclusively to a single person. It’s 4 3-page stories, totaling a bit more than 12 pages, all done either completely privately or for an audience of your choice. Cost: (Not Currently Offered)
Game Stories: Ever wanted a personal, live text game? That’s more or less what this is. After some brainstorming, I’ll set up a google document where I run a ‘game’ for you in story form. You reply with what you want to do, and with the use of some dice, we decide whether you succeed or fail. Be ready for the possibility of bad ends. Cost: $30/hour
Sponsorship: Every time I open for commissions, I’ll have a list of stories that can be sponsored for continuation, or to start them. Usually, sponsorships will not give the commissioner much control over what happens next; this is done purely as a way to see a story you like continue. If you don’t see a story you like, feel free to mention it to me, but if the story was started by a different commissioner rather than myself, then you’ll need their permission for it to be continued under new management. Cost: Variable
Splurge: This is the most expensive option, but it’s the most worthwhile in terms of content, as well. You can buy a one or two-week splurge, which purchases you exclusive control of my writing for that period of time. This usually means about 140 pages for one week, 280 for two. This is the only way that you can buy so many stories at once, and I will write additional content that I am not always willing to touch. Note: If you plan on buying this, notify me at least one week in advance and have write-ups ready. If there are no write-ups or plans for stories on a day, it still counts towards the days you’ve paid for. Cost: $1,000/$2,000
Thanks for the prices. How do I go about commissioning you, then?
Here’s a step-by-step link if you want a more detailed answer:
Keep an eye out on those Sunday nights for the opening. If you can’t make it, I do offer a raffle before the day, for those that are either in a bad time zone or can’t make it online at that time, but it’s a limited selection there.
When will my commission be done?
Keep yourself updated at the trello, here.
I don’t want to get a new story, but I really loved (insert story here). Are you ever going to do more of it?
If it hasn’t been posted to for a while, probably not. I do have a backlog of submissions to post, but there’s a lot of times when commissioners will either run out of money or interest and drop a series in the middle of the project.
That said, if you want to get in touch with the original commissioner and get permission to carry it on with your money, feel free. I can’t promise that they’ll give you permission, but go ahead and ask.
I want to get a story, but I don’t know what I want.
I offer a service I call the Wheel of Fetish. Basically, you give me a certain set of information (gender/sex pairings, species, settings, and kinks), and for the cost of $5, I will give you back 3-5 ideas I’ve brainstormed for that list (minimum 3, but will always attempt more). Just note me, and we’ll get you set up.
Full instructions here:
I’d like to support you, but I don’t really need any stories. What can I do?
There’s a couple of options there. Obviously, if you like my stories, comment on them and favorite them. The comments in particular are an immense emotional uplift, because it tells me that someone legitimately like them.
If you want to support me financially, I always include a ko-fi link for quick tips on the different stories I upload. If you liked something, feel free to leave something behind in the tip jar. It always helps.
If you want to be a more active supporter, there’s always patreon. I use it to work through longer personal works, chapter-stories of 10-20 chapters, and there’s a number of good tiers that are examined every six months or so for fairness and good rewards.
Thank you VERY much for your time, and I hope that you enjoy yourself among my gallery.
For those that already know this, a link to my Terms of Services:
For those needing an update or some basics, here’s some FAQs.
Who are you?
Glad you asked. I’m Draconicon, Drac to my friends, and I’m basically a full-time writer here. I do some work on patreon on the side, but most of my income comes through commissions from people here and on other websites. The gallery that you see here is pretty much all commission-based, stuff I’ve written for others, so if you’re wondering why there’s so much different stuff, that’s why.
I’m a bit of a nerd, very fond of D&D and RPGs, a reader as often as I can be, and a part-time traveler during the summer. Also, oversexual in a lot of ways, so if you’re somehow on this page and not signed in, that’s why you’re not going to see much.
Now, the gallery’s huge, but it’s still growing, recently at the rate of about 20 stories a week. You want to be part of that? You want something for yourself? Keep reading.
Do you do requests?
What about gifts?
VERY rarely, and usually for friends I’ve known for years.
Okay, um, what do you have that’s cheap?
That, I can help you with.
I run themed streams twice a week, focused on different kinks, fetishes, universes, or locations. If you want to get a shorter story (these are limited to 3 pages), these would be the things to show up to. It’s a good way to find out if you like my writing for you or not. Keep an eye out every Wednesday and Sunday.
I was kind of hoping for something longer. What can you do for that?
I believe I’m one of the more low-priced authors around for something of extended length, so, let’s go over your options.
3, 6, or 9 pages: These stories are the most basic you can get. Either a three page, six page, or nine page story, suitable for quick one-shots that don’t need to cover much, don’t have much plot, and just focus on porn. Yes, it needs to be a multiple of three. Cost: $25, $50, $70, depending on page count
10 pages: A longer story for a stand-alone piece of work, but with plenty of space for character dev alongside some porn. Cost: $75
Miniseries: Purchased at a minimum of 2 10-page chapters, these give plenty of space for a long, expanded story and plenty of kink development. As a result of the greater number of chapters, there’s a discount per-chapter. Cost: $65/chapter
Private Streams: Basically, this is one of the weekly streams given exclusively to a single person. It’s 4 3-page stories, totaling a bit more than 12 pages, all done either completely privately or for an audience of your choice. Cost: (Not Currently Offered)
Game Stories: Ever wanted a personal, live text game? That’s more or less what this is. After some brainstorming, I’ll set up a google document where I run a ‘game’ for you in story form. You reply with what you want to do, and with the use of some dice, we decide whether you succeed or fail. Be ready for the possibility of bad ends. Cost: $30/hour
Sponsorship: Every time I open for commissions, I’ll have a list of stories that can be sponsored for continuation, or to start them. Usually, sponsorships will not give the commissioner much control over what happens next; this is done purely as a way to see a story you like continue. If you don’t see a story you like, feel free to mention it to me, but if the story was started by a different commissioner rather than myself, then you’ll need their permission for it to be continued under new management. Cost: Variable
Splurge: This is the most expensive option, but it’s the most worthwhile in terms of content, as well. You can buy a one or two-week splurge, which purchases you exclusive control of my writing for that period of time. This usually means about 140 pages for one week, 280 for two. This is the only way that you can buy so many stories at once, and I will write additional content that I am not always willing to touch. Note: If you plan on buying this, notify me at least one week in advance and have write-ups ready. If there are no write-ups or plans for stories on a day, it still counts towards the days you’ve paid for. Cost: $1,000/$2,000
Thanks for the prices. How do I go about commissioning you, then?
Here’s a step-by-step link if you want a more detailed answer:
Keep an eye out on those Sunday nights for the opening. If you can’t make it, I do offer a raffle before the day, for those that are either in a bad time zone or can’t make it online at that time, but it’s a limited selection there.
When will my commission be done?
Keep yourself updated at the trello, here.
I don’t want to get a new story, but I really loved (insert story here). Are you ever going to do more of it?
If it hasn’t been posted to for a while, probably not. I do have a backlog of submissions to post, but there’s a lot of times when commissioners will either run out of money or interest and drop a series in the middle of the project.
That said, if you want to get in touch with the original commissioner and get permission to carry it on with your money, feel free. I can’t promise that they’ll give you permission, but go ahead and ask.
I want to get a story, but I don’t know what I want.
I offer a service I call the Wheel of Fetish. Basically, you give me a certain set of information (gender/sex pairings, species, settings, and kinks), and for the cost of $5, I will give you back 3-5 ideas I’ve brainstormed for that list (minimum 3, but will always attempt more). Just note me, and we’ll get you set up.
Full instructions here:
I’d like to support you, but I don’t really need any stories. What can I do?
There’s a couple of options there. Obviously, if you like my stories, comment on them and favorite them. The comments in particular are an immense emotional uplift, because it tells me that someone legitimately like them.
If you want to support me financially, I always include a ko-fi link for quick tips on the different stories I upload. If you liked something, feel free to leave something behind in the tip jar. It always helps.
If you want to be a more active supporter, there’s always patreon. I use it to work through longer personal works, chapter-stories of 10-20 chapters, and there’s a number of good tiers that are examined every six months or so for fairness and good rewards.
Thank you VERY much for your time, and I hope that you enjoy yourself among my gallery.
Comments Earned: 21065
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Journals: 1270
Comments Made: 19038
Journals: 1270
Recent Journal
Updates, Some Depressing Thoughts, Where I Am
2 weeks agoA Few Updates, And Depression
Okay, been a little while since I gave you guys a ‘state of the author’ sort of update, so let’s get into that.
Good news first.
I’ve finally more or less settled into doing good work on a good schedule in the new place. It’s a different schedule and I’ll be having to figure out how to make that work well, but it’s feeling right again. Currently, I’ve finished all but one of the slots that were part of the last cycle, and I’m going to be jumping into splurge-work after that. All things considered, I’d look for more openings toward the end of March, but I should be able to stay on-track.
Other good news is that I have a few more plans for new series to offer in sponsored series stuff, and might be able to take some time to write for myself going forward. We’ll see.
Also, also, we finally are getting back on track with weekly streams. Early days, but hopefully it all works out.
Also, also, also, I continue to dig my teeth into various bits of cooking and try out lots of stuff on a daily basis. Been good just having the time to flex and show off to myself, because cooking really is a joy.
And now, the bad news.
Recently, I was informed of the problems with Subscribestar, as informed by this report a few years ago.
I left Patreon because of the fact that they were getting more and more intrusive about personal information, as well as becoming more hostile to different kinks. This, however, is no better, and in some ways much worse, as Patreon at least banned people like Alex Jones and others that were spreading bad things from their site. The fact that subscriptions to me on Subscribestar help finance a company that is fine with this? No. I’m not going to be part of that.
Not sure where I’ll be going after that, but I’ll probably be shuttering the Subscribestar at the end of March, and keeping a record of what I owe everyone. What I do next, no idea, but I can’t really support something that does that.
As for the other bad news?
Well…I’m not quite sure how to put it, but I’m somewhere between having a bit of an early mid-life crisis and being depressed. Not made better by the current state of things, admittedly, but they’re not the cause.
I’ve been very conscious of mortality for the last few months due to deaths around me, and I’ve become insanely aware of how I’ve already had 35 years on this earth, and if I get just as many in good health, I’ll be lucky. I’ve seen all the years pass, I’ve seen people that should not have died as soon as they did go, and I’ve seen basically everyone that was due to die before me in the family pass. I have that feeling of being next in line, and it’s very hard to shake that feeling. Most nights, I lie in bed thinking about how little time I have left, and it just…terrifies me, and if I’m lucky it stops there. If not, then I start thinking about all the other people that I still have left to lose, or how it’ll be when I just stop, and…
It's not good.
Now, it’s not constant. Most of the day, I’m fine, and I have plenty of distractions to keep me from thinking about it, but around 10-ish PM, it starts creeping in, and I don’t have the energy to keep pushing it back again. I’m told time will help, and I hope it will. I’m also seeking therapy, doing meditation, holding onto things as best I can. But it is a struggle.
That said, I wanted to ensure that I mentioned that for the whole State of the Author thing, and…
Well, I’ll be okay. I’m finding ways around it, I’m doing what I can, but I also need to talk about it from time to time. Just to keep it from echoing around in my head.
Not sure how to end this, so I’ll just say ‘Thanks for listening,’ and wish you all well, and promise more uploads in the near future.
Be well.
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