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Photographer | Registered: Aug 16, 2015 12:39
Excuse me if the info is messy, new page and things will get sorted out in a quick manner.
I created to help form a small furry community around the Bungie game Destiny. I plan for the page to be used as a tool for furry destiny players to meet and play together.
Also be able to provide tips for PvE activities, and PvP activities. Tips will be useful for casual players who want a better idea of what to do, and more active players to find new strategies.
Along with posting occasional tips I'll post questions for discussion about game updates or opinion pieces on certain content.
I created to help form a small furry community around the Bungie game Destiny. I plan for the page to be used as a tool for furry destiny players to meet and play together.
Also be able to provide tips for PvE activities, and PvP activities. Tips will be useful for casual players who want a better idea of what to do, and more active players to find new strategies.
Along with posting occasional tips I'll post questions for discussion about game updates or opinion pieces on certain content.
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Destiny 2 Forsaken current know issues.
6 years ago
Figured i'd post a list of all issues (bugs and glitches) that Bungie is aware of:
Unlocking Patrols for New Characters: In order to unlock Patrols, characters have to reach max level then level up one time, or players can wait until Forsaken launches and play through the first few missions.- added 8/30/2018
Moments of Triumph: Players who have identical Moments of Triumph bounties (from Solstice of Heroes) on multiple characters on one account may receive an error and be unable to receive their T-short code until they delete their MoT bounties from all but a single character. - added 8/30/2018
Legendary Weapons from Vendors: We are aware of an issue where players are unable to purchase quest-related Legendary weapons from their respective vendors. Players should be able to access these weapons from their Collections when Forsaken launches. - added 8/30/2018
Leviathan: We are investigating reports of players being unable to access Leviathan. - added 8/30/2018
Titan Armor Infusion: From Update 2.0.0 until the launch of Forsaken, players may experience issues when trying to infuse armor for Titans. - added 8/30/2018
Quickplay Matchmaking: We are actively investigating longer than usual matchmaking times for the Quickplay Crucible playlist. - added 8/30/2018
Nokris Nightfall Uniques: We are aware of an issue impacting player’s ability to obtain the Nokris strike uniques this week. This should be resolved with the update on Sept. 4. – added 8/30/2018
Explosive Rounds: We are investigating reports of issues pertaining to explosive rounds dealing less damage than intended. -added 8/29/2018
Sturm Catalyst Progression: We are investigating reports of the Sturm Catalyst not progressing properly since the 2.0.0 update. - added 8/29/2018
Sandbox Gameplay: We are investigating reports of issues impacting sandbox gameplay, including Hand Cannon recoil on PC, and aiming down sights not cancelling properly. -added 8/29/2018
Masterworking Armor/Weapons: The number of Masterwork cores needed to Masterwork armor or weapons will drastically change in the update on Sept. 4.- added 8/29/2018
Infusion Economy: With the 2.0.0 update, infusion economy has changed. This will change again with the update on Sept. 4.- added 8/29/2018
Heroic Strike Progression: Players who have objectives to do Heroic Strikes won't be able to add progress until next week's patch. - added 8/29/2018
XP Bar Not Progressing: Players have reported their XP bars are not showing the XP gained after completing activities and fighting enemies. This is a visual issue, and players should still gain levelling rewards as normal. - added 8/28/2018
Forsaken Item Drops: We are aware of an issue where players are receiving Forsaken items earlier than intended. - added 8/28/2018
Cayde's Spicy Ramen Quest: Players who still have the Cayde's Spicy Ramen Milestone will not be able to complete the quest since the Ramen shop has stopped handing out the Expired Ramen Coupons. - added 8/28/2018
Light Level Armor: Players who own only the base Destiny 2 game and Curse of Osiris will not be able to infuse the Solstice of Heroes armor into other armor pieces when Forsaken launches. - added 8/28/2018
Xûr’s Three of Coins: After Update 2.0.0, Xûr will no longer sell the Three of Coins consumable. The consumable will be able to be dismantled for Legendary Shards after the launch of Forsaken. - added 8/28/2018
Tracked Pursuits: From Update 2.0.0 until the launch of Forsaken, players may receive an error when selecting a Pursuit, which reads “You can only track 4 items at a time”. - added 8/28/2018
Weapon Mods: After Update 2.0.0, exotic weapons will lose their +5 Power from Year 1 damage mods; all other weapons and armor will lose their +5 Power from Year 1 legendary mods at the launch of Forsaken. - added 8/28/2018
Vault Display: From Update 2.0.0 until the launch of Forsaken, players with a high amount of items in the Vault may not load items and descriptions correctly. - added 8/28/2018
Transmat Previews: After Update 2.0.0, players may experience a visual issue when previewing Transmat Effects, where a player’s character does not ‘drop in’ as they usually would. - added 8/28/2018
Lest Ye Be Judged: After Update 2.0.0, Trials of the Nine will be on hiatus, and players will be unable to unlock the "Lest Ye Be Judged" Trophy or Achievement during this time. Due to this, Playstation players will not be able to unlock the Platinum Trophy. Players should stay tuned to our News page for future announcements regarding Trials of the Nine. - added 8/28/2018
Slot Changes and the Postmaster: After Update 2.0.0, weapon slot changes will occur, and weapons will no longer be sorted into slots based on ammo. Fusion rifles, single-shot grenade launchers, shotguns, and sniper rifles are no longer exclusive to the Power weapon slot. Kinetic weapons are stored in the Primary slot, and elemental weapons are stored in the Special slot. Due to these changes, weapons can potentially be moved to the Postmaster, as certain slots may become overfilled. It is recommended to clear all items from the Postmaster before Update 2.0.0 to ensure no items will be lost from the Postmaster inventory. - added 8/28/2018
Triple Tap Perk: The Triple Tap weapon perk will pull ammo from reserves until the launch of Forsaken on September 4; at that time, the perk will change to give free ammo when used. - added 8/28/2018
Thin the Herd Perk: The perk description for Thin the Herd on Fighting Lion will incorrectly list old behavior of dropping Energy ammo. After Update 2.0.0, this perk will actually drop Primary ammo for Year 2. - added 8/28/2018
Bring the Heat Perk: The Bring the Heat armor perk for Ashen Wake may incorrectly state “Direct hits with Fusion Grenades will recharge grenade energy.” Ashen Wake will not be receiving this additional perk, and players should expect this description to be revised at a later date. - added 8/28/2018
Flashpoint Quest Percentages: After Update 2.0.0, Flashpoint quests will display an incorrect percentage amount of 1% when viewing the percentage from the vendor who gives the quest. This issue will be resolved at the launch of Forsaken. - added 8/28/2018
Nightfall Scoring: From Update 2.0.0 until the launch of Forsaken, Nightfall Strike Scoring will be disabled. - added 8/28/2018
Unlocking Patrols for New Characters: In order to unlock Patrols, characters have to reach max level then level up one time, or players can wait until Forsaken launches and play through the first few missions.- added 8/30/2018
Moments of Triumph: Players who have identical Moments of Triumph bounties (from Solstice of Heroes) on multiple characters on one account may receive an error and be unable to receive their T-short code until they delete their MoT bounties from all but a single character. - added 8/30/2018
Legendary Weapons from Vendors: We are aware of an issue where players are unable to purchase quest-related Legendary weapons from their respective vendors. Players should be able to access these weapons from their Collections when Forsaken launches. - added 8/30/2018
Leviathan: We are investigating reports of players being unable to access Leviathan. - added 8/30/2018
Titan Armor Infusion: From Update 2.0.0 until the launch of Forsaken, players may experience issues when trying to infuse armor for Titans. - added 8/30/2018
Quickplay Matchmaking: We are actively investigating longer than usual matchmaking times for the Quickplay Crucible playlist. - added 8/30/2018
Nokris Nightfall Uniques: We are aware of an issue impacting player’s ability to obtain the Nokris strike uniques this week. This should be resolved with the update on Sept. 4. – added 8/30/2018
Explosive Rounds: We are investigating reports of issues pertaining to explosive rounds dealing less damage than intended. -added 8/29/2018
Sturm Catalyst Progression: We are investigating reports of the Sturm Catalyst not progressing properly since the 2.0.0 update. - added 8/29/2018
Sandbox Gameplay: We are investigating reports of issues impacting sandbox gameplay, including Hand Cannon recoil on PC, and aiming down sights not cancelling properly. -added 8/29/2018
Masterworking Armor/Weapons: The number of Masterwork cores needed to Masterwork armor or weapons will drastically change in the update on Sept. 4.- added 8/29/2018
Infusion Economy: With the 2.0.0 update, infusion economy has changed. This will change again with the update on Sept. 4.- added 8/29/2018
Heroic Strike Progression: Players who have objectives to do Heroic Strikes won't be able to add progress until next week's patch. - added 8/29/2018
XP Bar Not Progressing: Players have reported their XP bars are not showing the XP gained after completing activities and fighting enemies. This is a visual issue, and players should still gain levelling rewards as normal. - added 8/28/2018
Forsaken Item Drops: We are aware of an issue where players are receiving Forsaken items earlier than intended. - added 8/28/2018
Cayde's Spicy Ramen Quest: Players who still have the Cayde's Spicy Ramen Milestone will not be able to complete the quest since the Ramen shop has stopped handing out the Expired Ramen Coupons. - added 8/28/2018
Light Level Armor: Players who own only the base Destiny 2 game and Curse of Osiris will not be able to infuse the Solstice of Heroes armor into other armor pieces when Forsaken launches. - added 8/28/2018
Xûr’s Three of Coins: After Update 2.0.0, Xûr will no longer sell the Three of Coins consumable. The consumable will be able to be dismantled for Legendary Shards after the launch of Forsaken. - added 8/28/2018
Tracked Pursuits: From Update 2.0.0 until the launch of Forsaken, players may receive an error when selecting a Pursuit, which reads “You can only track 4 items at a time”. - added 8/28/2018
Weapon Mods: After Update 2.0.0, exotic weapons will lose their +5 Power from Year 1 damage mods; all other weapons and armor will lose their +5 Power from Year 1 legendary mods at the launch of Forsaken. - added 8/28/2018
Vault Display: From Update 2.0.0 until the launch of Forsaken, players with a high amount of items in the Vault may not load items and descriptions correctly. - added 8/28/2018
Transmat Previews: After Update 2.0.0, players may experience a visual issue when previewing Transmat Effects, where a player’s character does not ‘drop in’ as they usually would. - added 8/28/2018
Lest Ye Be Judged: After Update 2.0.0, Trials of the Nine will be on hiatus, and players will be unable to unlock the "Lest Ye Be Judged" Trophy or Achievement during this time. Due to this, Playstation players will not be able to unlock the Platinum Trophy. Players should stay tuned to our News page for future announcements regarding Trials of the Nine. - added 8/28/2018
Slot Changes and the Postmaster: After Update 2.0.0, weapon slot changes will occur, and weapons will no longer be sorted into slots based on ammo. Fusion rifles, single-shot grenade launchers, shotguns, and sniper rifles are no longer exclusive to the Power weapon slot. Kinetic weapons are stored in the Primary slot, and elemental weapons are stored in the Special slot. Due to these changes, weapons can potentially be moved to the Postmaster, as certain slots may become overfilled. It is recommended to clear all items from the Postmaster before Update 2.0.0 to ensure no items will be lost from the Postmaster inventory. - added 8/28/2018
Triple Tap Perk: The Triple Tap weapon perk will pull ammo from reserves until the launch of Forsaken on September 4; at that time, the perk will change to give free ammo when used. - added 8/28/2018
Thin the Herd Perk: The perk description for Thin the Herd on Fighting Lion will incorrectly list old behavior of dropping Energy ammo. After Update 2.0.0, this perk will actually drop Primary ammo for Year 2. - added 8/28/2018
Bring the Heat Perk: The Bring the Heat armor perk for Ashen Wake may incorrectly state “Direct hits with Fusion Grenades will recharge grenade energy.” Ashen Wake will not be receiving this additional perk, and players should expect this description to be revised at a later date. - added 8/28/2018
Flashpoint Quest Percentages: After Update 2.0.0, Flashpoint quests will display an incorrect percentage amount of 1% when viewing the percentage from the vendor who gives the quest. This issue will be resolved at the launch of Forsaken. - added 8/28/2018
Nightfall Scoring: From Update 2.0.0 until the launch of Forsaken, Nightfall Strike Scoring will be disabled. - added 8/28/2018
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I made a discord server for destiny furs who play on all platforms!
Anyone who wants to squad up or get help with game activities. We have members on almost at all times.