Views: 10046
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Writer | Registered: Apr 18, 2008 09:50
Writer/photographer amateur at both.
FAwp6a A- C D H+ M++++ P+ R T+++ W Z Sm+ RLS* a++ cdnw++++ d++ e+ f- h+ i++ j p+ sm--
Thought I would try this furcode thing.
Ex Astris Scientia
V. Adm. R'Murrek, USS Texas
Never mind the mood setting. I don't update it that often.
FAwp6a A- C D H+ M++++ P+ R T+++ W Z Sm+ RLS* a++ cdnw++++ d++ e+ f- h+ i++ j p+ sm--
Thought I would try this furcode thing.
Ex Astris Scientia
V. Adm. R'Murrek, USS Texas
Never mind the mood setting. I don't update it that often.
Comments Earned: 2959
Comments Made: 5363
Journals: 269
Comments Made: 5363
Journals: 269
Featured Journal
4 months ago
As far as I'm concerned Biden handed Trump the election. The entire Democratic Party let him do it. This is why we need to stop electing old men who should be in a nursing home! That goes for Trump, too. His brain is also mush.
As for you Republican furries, Project 2025 is on you if any of it passes, especially the porn ban. That is a slippery slope to undermining the FIRST AMENDMENT. I'd start downloading all my favorite gay porn if I were you. That's big if though.
The Democratic Party demonstrated a spectacular failure to strategize and pick a candidate that can keep from misidentifying world leaders, keep their foot out of their mouth, and play the Electoral College game like the GOP has been so good at in the past. Land doesn't vote? Yeah but all those fours add up.
I am scared for myself and my friends thanks to you Republicans, because if The Heritage Foundation can't get their shit agenda passed on the federal level they will do it on the state level. Every LGBT suicide in the coming years is your fault. Every hate crime coming is indirectly your fault. If FA, e621, and other furry sites are deemed pornographic and banned, that's your fault. If I am labeled an enemy of the state and they come for me, that's your fault. You might as well unfollow me. Block me even. If I lose friends over this, then you weren't worth being my friend.
As for you Republican furries, Project 2025 is on you if any of it passes, especially the porn ban. That is a slippery slope to undermining the FIRST AMENDMENT. I'd start downloading all my favorite gay porn if I were you. That's big if though.
The Democratic Party demonstrated a spectacular failure to strategize and pick a candidate that can keep from misidentifying world leaders, keep their foot out of their mouth, and play the Electoral College game like the GOP has been so good at in the past. Land doesn't vote? Yeah but all those fours add up.
I am scared for myself and my friends thanks to you Republicans, because if The Heritage Foundation can't get their shit agenda passed on the federal level they will do it on the state level. Every LGBT suicide in the coming years is your fault. Every hate crime coming is indirectly your fault. If FA, e621, and other furry sites are deemed pornographic and banned, that's your fault. If I am labeled an enemy of the state and they come for me, that's your fault. You might as well unfollow me. Block me even. If I lose friends over this, then you weren't worth being my friend.
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Greater Yinglet, dolphin at heart
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I know good music when I hear it.
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Star Trek, Star Wars, Avengers, The Lord of the Rings, The Abyss, and Close Encounters of the Third Kind
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Fallout 3, Elder Scrolls 4, Halo, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo 3 ODST, Halo Reach, Ghost Recon, Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, Spore
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Dolphins, avians, avali, and YINGLETS
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Side? I am on no one's side because no one is on my side. -Treebeard
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Too many to list
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